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Rationality in Strength Training

by Tony D'Amato

"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed." - Ayn Rand


If you are to be successful with your training, you have to deal with reality. You must find what that reality is, and then work inside of it. Reality is objective and absolute; it does not change from person to person or from day to day. Facts are facts - A is A. Despite our desires and wishes, we cannot change the way things are. No matter how badly you want to fly, you cannot overcome the physical laws that prohibit humans from doing so. The same goes with strength training. You can have as much desire as you want, but if you are not training in accordance with the basic principles of anaerobic exercise, then you cannot expect much in the way of results. As Ayn Rand said, "wishing won't make it so".

Training in conflict with reality will bring about mediocre results at best, and negative results at worst. Anaerobic exercise is intense by nature. Becaue of this intensity, it can only be maintained for a brief period of time, and its rate of occurance must be infrequent. If you perform strength training, which is supposed to be anaerobic exercise, in conflict to those principles then you've stepped outside of reality and your results will not be optimal. However, if you grasp those principles, and work inside of them, then you are on your way. Understanding the principles upon which training is built will allow you to work productively toward your training goals instead of being confused and getting little to no results.

Reality is absolute. HIT works optimally for all people if applied correctly because it is based on rational, concrete principles. Not all programs work, but for the ones that do, the best ones are the programs which are based on the objective principles of anaerobic exercise. I am fully aware that people have gotten results on all types of programs. Sure, you can get strong using other methods. Watch a team like Penn State or Michingan, which trains with HIT, play a team like Nebraska or Florida State, which does not train HIT…you will be unable to tell the difference. However, we are all in the business of getting the best results possible in the most efficient manner. And the only way to go about this is by comprehending reality with your eyes wide open, whether you like what you see or not.