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Parma Early Childhood PTA – Normandy Cluster

Membership Registration for 2001-2002

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

City, Zip: _________________________________________

Spouse: ___________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________

Children’s Names and Birth Dates:

___________/__/__ ___________/__/__ ___________/__/__

___________/__/__ ___________/__/__ ___________/__/__

Please initial here indicating your permission to include the above information in our membership roster which is only released to our members. ___________

As a member, you may attend all meetings, participate in all PTA activities and receive a copy of our monthly newsletter The Tricycle. In order to make your membership in Parma Early Childhood PTA an enjoyable and rewarding experience, we need your cooperation. You are expected to support our Ways and Means projects (with your time and $$) which help to finance our activities.



I understand that Parma Early Childhood PTA or any member thereof will not be held responsible in case of an accident or injury to myself or my child during any activity connected with the Parma Early Childhood PTA.

Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________


Annual Dues are $12.00. Please make your check payable to Parma Early Childhood PTA – Normandy Cluster and give it to our Treasurer, Sherri Spagnola. Return this completed membership form to our Membership Chairman, Kelly Dzurisin. You do not have to be a resident of Parma to join.


Rejoining Member: _____ New Member: _____