Good-bye, dear old High School,
Since We must leave you,
how we sigh.
Our thoughts of you are
now much fonder,
Since we can stay with
you no longer.
As now we leave our lips do quiver,
And we'll remember you forever,
For you were our ALma Mater true
And we loyal sons and daughters, too.
Tender thoughts for those who taught us,
And of the joys and woes you brought us.
A fond farewell we give to you.
Our bouquet holds sweet memories true.
Tho' miles away, we'll not forget you;
Worthy of you in whatever we do.
Tho' many things our efforts lack,
We're always true to the orange and black.
The time has come; we must depart
From this old school so near our heart.
We leave the Juniors to take our places,
Tho' teachers can never forget our faces.
Now the boat of the World
We're ready to row
Life is ahead -- Fate bids us go --
The oars we take with heavy sigh --
So good-bye, dear old High, good-bye!
Copyright © 1929 by Margaret Bufano
Published in the "Coker" Year Book
Connellsville High School
My Mother's Graduating Class of '29.
My mom on the day
of her graduation.
~~ 1929 ~~
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