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Sunday, 19 June 2005
Stuck in 2nd Gear
Topic: Lifestyle
Even though numerous news channels have sprout up within a few years, Pakistani media is still far from coming of age. The state owned PTV has the most resources but totally devoid of professionalism. Huge billboards block half the screen whenever a live event is being telecast, just to market their pathetic channel on other networks, both national and worldwide. In response, the private networks simply put their own logos on top of 'PTV-Exclusive' ones, so in the end the unfortunate viewer is left with a few bare glimpses.
This sheer lack of professionalism is rampant all across the media. Even newspapers in their pictures blur mic-logos of certain rival networks, as many News channels are owned by Newspapers.
Private news networks are no different. Geo TV for instance pointlessly brands each and every news item with its name, like Geo-education, Geo-travel, Geo-cricket, Geo-hockey.. the list is endless. There is an obnoxious stream of commercials interrupted occasionally by news breaks. Moreover, each news update is via telephone only, one wonders if its a Radio or a TV channel? And finally the redundant soap dramas.. that too on a news channel?!
Sheikh Rashid may be a happy man with this kind of media proliferation but most certainly I am not. It seems our media is so stuck in profit making antics that they have forgotten their real purpose. Its a shame when one channel proclaims itself to be the CNN of Pakistan. They at CNN put the story first, no commercials, no dramas, just news coverage and reports. That is infact true journalism and we here in Pakistan were far from that before, but sadly moving even further today.

Posted by humPakistan at 10:21 PM
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Monday, 23 May 2005
'Rawalpindi Express' . . . . OUT OF SERVICE!
Topic: Lifestyle
Shoaib Akthar... the new man-of-contoversy in Pakistan Cricket. Ever since his ouster from the team, he has faced numerous allegations and scandals, possibly to defame him out of cricket! and now Mahesh Bhatt seems to be intrested in the 'Match-Winner', not for a game of cricket but to sign him up in his upcoming film 'Gangster'. Apparently Sanjay Dutt was not available for the role and so our very own 'Meera jee' advocated for Shoaib jee.. rumour has it that Shoaib is willing to sign the film and could be shooting for his first ever Bollywood flick during county cricket season, this summer... as the shooting is planned in europe.

Anyways.. without him, the Pakistani Team seems to be doing rather well, much to his despair though. First they beat India 4-2 (ODI) on their home grounds, and now have crushed the WI 3-0 (ODI) which is the first ever Pakistani win on Windies soil.

While these wins are significant for a young team.. we cannot undermine the need for Shoaib in the team. To win against stronger adversaries like Australia, NZ or Srilanka.. we need him on our side. Unfortunately Pakistan Cricket is as dirty as Pakistan Politics and it seems some people in PCB feel threatened by overwhelmingly popular Shoaib and blame his indiscipline for his suffering. Perhaps Shoaib is a bit arrogant but his cricket is what we should be intrested in, not his personality. As long as he is playing for the team and not for himself! Pakistan Cricket has suffered long enough because of this dirty politics of some commanding-superhero.. like Imran Khan for instance, and the Wars-of-2-W's not so long ago.

So for now the famous Rawalpindi Express is OUT-OF-SERVICE and with no chances of being commissioned soon, there may well be a Bollywood debut this summer.. so keep your fingers crossed everyone.

Posted by humPakistan at 4:21 PM
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Thursday, 19 May 2005
look out for online fraud
Topic: Computers
Well everyone with an email address is familiar with email spam but recently i got this mail from a guy in Karachi requesting a BRAND NEW PC !! and the reason given for this is that he is very poor and cannot look after his family. and somehow giving him a computer would solve all his problems.. Imagine!
And whats more intresting is that he specifically asks for a P4 or P3 atleast?! I remember I first started working on a P1, later upgraded to P2 and even now I have no requirement for a brand new P4 unless I wish to do a lot of programming on my PC. Everyone knows you donot need a new P4 to check your mails or simply get online.. even an old PC like a P1 for instance can sufficiently cater to your needs and hardly costs around Rs. 4000 yet he wishes to get a new P4 just to work online on some fake company promising hundreds of dollars per hour..
What he doesnot know is that the internet is full of spammers just like himself attracting foolish people, just like himself, for their own gains.. I just wish there was some Online Policing service that would expose such frauds and put an end to this menace.. I remember not too long ago there was this famous African group asking for people's personal contacts so they could transfer millions of dollars in some safe bank account in Pakistan.. the group was luckily exposed and are now behind bars.
So let this be an advice to all of you out there.. there is no such company online that would give you cash just like that! It only shows how vulnerable you are when you are online to such sham profit making schemes with no land-links or existence.

Posted by humPakistan at 5:45 PM
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Wednesday, 23 March 2005
'Elite-istan' Day Parade.
Topic: Society
When the Quaid and his colleagues passed a resolution against discrimination of Muslims in British India some 65 years ago, this is certainly not what they had in mind. People classified and sub-classified into a staggering 10 categories. First of all there are the ‘Whites’. They comprise of the Super-Elite of the country, ones with green plates and the ones with red plates and plenty of stars. They occupy the largest space on the parade venue, ofcourse, as this is their show. All the soldiers salute them while passing by and the tanks lower their barrels in their honour. Whole avenues have been reserved for their chauffer-driven limousines for this occasion.

Then there are your average ‘Reds’ and ‘Blues’. Ever eager to join the Elite club, all they ever wish is to climb that ladder and be included among the ‘Whites’ the next time around. And then there are the unfortunate ‘Yellows’ and ‘Blacks’ comprising of lower ranking officers and public servants of little influence. They are crammed in small enclosures far far away and are not allowed to eat, drink, talk on phones and bring their children, all in the name of Security! Ofcourse, the Blacks belong in the back of the bus.

One might imagine this picture represents the medieval Europe, some British colony or Nazi Germany. Sadly though, this is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the year is 2005. Now don’t think such discrimination is rampant across our mosques, bus stands and other public places, but only because the Elites do not go there!

As for the forgotten common folk, like myself, having no influence whatsoever, they are simply not welcome at such chauvinistic charades. Yet we savour simple joys in life like a day off in the middle of the week!

Posted by humPakistan at 12:01 AM
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