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Operation Infinite Freedom:
The Hidden Agenda



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    President Pervez Musharraf extends a helping hand to the US, much to the dismay of radical islamists all across Pakistan...what shall be the consequences?

    Sept 15- Pervez Musharraf vowed to stand by the U.S in its 'War against Terror' naming it a 'do-or-die' situation, whatever the consequences may be for his already shaking government, in this highly volatile scenario for a much vulnerable region of the world. As Pakistan sinks deep into this quagmire, hPK investigates the options available to Pakistan and the possible outcome of the Operation Infinite Freedom.

    The Taliban came to power in Afghanistan with support of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United States itslef, all pursuing their national intrests for a stable, more-controlable Afghanistan. But like a Frankeinstein experiment gone wrong, turning on its masters the Taliban became annoyingly unresponsive and soon enough everyone wanted to get rid of them from the Afghan Scenario. But it was too late, U.S backed out in the early days when it could with honour, leaving Saudia and Pakistan to handle or mishandle them. The spills of war however plagued Pakistan only, but Saudia had its share of sponsored-terrorism though. Today all their former supporters are against them in this 'War against Terrorism'.


    If the Taliban took over Kabul in 1995 covering more than 70% of Afghanistan, surely they had friends in high places outside Afghanistan, these included ISI of Pakistan on the frontline, with CIA and M16 close behind. In their search for Eternal Glory they forgot the rules of democracy, the values that the West hailed and this led to the foreigners' gradual shift in policy and ultimately to this point their absolute despise for the Regieme.

    What did Pakistan stand to gain?
    Pakistan has longed for western support, its economy had always been far behind archrival India which has got most share of western investment in the region. Pakistan always wanted to play a major role in regional and world afairs. For this very reason Pakistan supported US in 1979 Russian Invasion of Afghanistan and this is the same reason why Pakistan is siding with the Allies now in their War against Osama. What they hope to achieve is economic stability and recognition in the world community...something which will require carefull diplomacy throughout the coming weeks and months.

    What is Operation Infinite Freedom
    The Allies are at it again, huge sums of money are being allocated to prepare for the War against Terror, although some of the Allies are totally unaware of plans about where and when to strike. The US and UK are more likely to utilise their military hardware this time since there is an apparent Intelligence-Sharing fued amongst the Allies. Pakistan might allow US access to its Airbases near Afghan border but probably will not hand its troops to US disposal.

    Which Bases are likely to be handed over to the US
    The PAF Base near Quetta, PAF Samungli and PAF Base near Peshawar PAF Budabeir are most likely to be handed over to the US. Some independent sources already confirm there is increased military activity around these bases while some sources report the presence of US Marines Helicoptors on PAF Samungli.

    US demands Logistic Support from Pakistan apart from Intelligence resources and Airspace.
    INTELLIGENCE: By far, Pakistan is the only country in the world with most Intelligence information on Afghanistan and the Taliban and surely the US requires it. Already Britain's SAS troops have been involved in reconnaissance exercises in and out of afghanistan but their main resource remains to be the ISI databank on Afghanistan. ISI however has its own reservations about sharing this information with their western counterparts.

    AIRSPACE: Pakistan allowed the use of its airspace back in 99 when tomhawk-cruise missiles hit Afghanistan. This is one of the easiest demands to comply as far as Pakistan is concerned.

    LOGISTICS: This is a broad prospective term and may account for navigations to communications to even housing Allied troops. This is a vast unexplored field which both Pakistanis and Americans donot want to explore for the time being. But when the time comes, this shall be one big bone of contention between the two apparent Allies and can turn the tides of this storm anytime if Pakistan fails to comply to some demands US puts forward lateron.

    What does Pakistan get in return?
    America has dropped all Sanctions imposed on Pakistan after Nuclear tests in 1998, although it did the same for India aswell. Washington also announced $75 million of immediate infusion to Pakistan to help it cope with the current crisis. US has promised Pakistan that 'it will get rid of all its external debt' in response to the partnership.

    Islamabad wants more Military aid though, its called on US to supply strike Aircraft and Helicoptors and Satellite Resources to monitor the porous border with afghanistan. The Generals are more keen on getting their hands on the hardware than the software, one observes, although the latter could help ensure future growth and prosperity.

    Is Pakistan heading in the right direction?
    So far so good, Pakistan is making demands and US seems to comply. US makes demands and Pakistan responds with a nod. We just hope the General doesnot waste this golden oppotunity of forcing the US and the West to abide by their commitments in standing by Pakistan in reviving its economy. Already the current cirsis is driving away foreign investors from the country, what the General can do is to ensure that they return once this conflict is over and that Pakistan gets its fair share of the crucial part its played in this crisis.

    Careful diplomacy,both at domestic and international level, is required at this crucial moment of our history.Only time will tell wether they made the right decisions or not. Its upto us Pakistanis to stand by Pakistan in its most difficult hour, lest its too late for all of us. God Bless Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad.



    Filed on October 1st 2001.


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