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Welcome to
HomeMade Dreams Care Wear

We are a small chapter, but determined to grow, please check back to see how we are doing!
And don't forget to go to the main Care Wear page.

We make many different items, for many different facilities, for a full list, look at our current Facility List. We make preemie clothing for NICUs, fullterm clothing for OB units, and even other items for nursing homes, and domestic violence shelters. Do you wonder why we make preemie clothing? If you would like to see why, go to our Preemie Page to see why.
One of the saddest things we must do is the Angel Layettes for the angels who our OB units and NICUs care for. For more information on angel sets, patterns for gowns, and the sizing guide our group has begun using go to the Angel Layette Page.

Also, please visit theAfghans for Angels NWPA Page. This is the same group of loving volunteers, but under this name we make "Angelghans" for the families of the angel babes.
Donation Page What to send and where to send it.
The Lighthouse Resourses for parents after loss
Virtual Cemetery for the Unborn A place to remember the children we lost before they ever took a breath of their own
Links to other charities, patterns, and pages of interest..
Awards I've won
Visit my Tim's memorial
Since 2/11/2001