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The Dream Collection

The Dream Collection was created to inspire and touch the people in our lives with the thoughts we don't often reveal.There are three different selections in this collection:-

Inspirational: The cover of each card features inspirational poetry, the inside of the card can be personalized to fit any occasion.

Poetic: Features pre-written poetry. You specify occasion.

On My Mind: These cards are written for just about any reason you can dream of. A personal sentiment can be added inside,if desired, but these cards are also ready for purchase.

The following will be a sample from each selection. I hope you enjoy!

The Splendor In My Life (Inspirational)

There are many things in our lives
That come in and then
Just disappear...
If we're lucky
Something stays behind
To remind us of the splendor.
They become faded memories.
I have been fortunate
For the Splendor in my life
remains with me.
...and every moment
of everyday...
I am grateful.

Beyond The Place... (Poetic)

Beyond the place
where dreams are made
Awaits a lifetime
of possibilities
Within us all exists the Magic
in which we need
to step forth.
For the power to become
all in which we Dream
Is ours to behold
and acquire.

Our Goddess Moon (On My Mind)

Can you see me? I can see you
Through her...Our moon.
I wonder as I wait
If you can feel me
The way I feel you
Your existence embraces my soul
And I know you are with me...
In Spirit...
In Soul...
In Thought...
Until we can be together
Here. And for now
Our Goddess Moon
Connects us Always!
And when the day arrives
I'll take your hand...
Pull you close, embracing you in the night,
and never let you go.

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