These poems are available in either card or print. Title can be personalized or the original title can be used. (please specify when ordering).
I Am Yours
Come with me.
Take my hand and follow me
As we walk together
On what may be...
Our Life's Journey.
Mystery awaits us...
Of Laughter and Love.
Learning together
Enchants the Soul.
Our affections deepen.
Our hearts quicken...
With each touch.
I smile
When you hold me.
"I am yours!"
(Offered In The Dream Collection)
As women we are born with
Not so much like man Physically,
But Emotionally.
As women we need Strength
To endure all in which we experience
In a single lifetime.
Our ability to believe,
Comes from our inner
Which allows us to
With the obstacles
Throws in our Path.
Men are not like women.
We are stronger.
We fight.
We will continue to Survive.
Because we are Courage.
We are--Strength.
My Friend,
It may have been
When we were children,
Or maybe when we were all grown up.
Regardless of when we met,
It feels as if I've known you
All My Life.
It's not often that you find someone
To whom you can relate to
It's not often that the true definition of
Actually applies to those you meet.
So since this is not a common occurrence,
I thought it necessary to tell you
That what we have..."Friendship"
Is one of the things I cherish most in my life.
I Love You My Friend!