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janis' page

this is me and my cow penny this picture was taken at the farm at saul high school its was taken in setptember of 2000

click here 4 my pictures dont 4 get to sign my guestbook my pictures

i'm 16 now i'm from philly pa if u ya got questions feel free to email me or im on aol s/n janjanbear1016 kk or


sign my guest book
look at my guestbook
please sign my guestbook

**my favorite bands **

i met sum 41 10/19/01 and got bizzy's autograph

#1 sum 41 there the shit cone is the bassist hes cute this is sum 41 cone is on the top he's so cute

#2 corporate avengers there great and the best this pic is the cover of there new cd comein 7-24-01 go get it #3 blink 182 these guys are great #4 drowning pool these guys i think r the best #5 papa roach they have said eveything about me #6 linkin park they to have said mostly everything about lil old me

**my friends**

ashley(happy now) martha ryan kia elleni dave newman aka paco khristina shannon Caitlin (c i love u)jessica trish chrissy laura steph f kerstien clarissa lisa lorraine jon steph my freaky friend charde steve annabelle shannon#2 Keltrice shannon#3 dave john mike elko michelle freddy jerry ashley shawn kieth nina chritina p michelle p jill greg austin matt renee matt skez christine fitz shawn ciara megan bryan tina tony matt c nate lalalala if i forgot u email me
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&&***&&*&&*&*&*&&&**&&*& @@@@@@@@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@@@@$$$$$$$$$$$$ i believe in witchcraft so here is one of my favorite sites go c it ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala oh my s/n on yahoo is janis316 or witchgurl619 byes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Favorite Sayings:  Click to View or Add Text. 

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about me

  • i had blond hair and red itWAS orange now its blue
  • hazel eyes i'm always confused or lost
  • i'm a blader AND I'M A SKATER

My Favorite Web Sites

sum 41
blink 182
my picture page
corportate avenger
