Welcome to Keyla's Guestbook
Entries are posted daily, Thank you for signing.
Date: 28 july 2000 11:30:09
Name: Janine
Email: littlejada@yahoo.com.
Location: pittsburgh,pa
Comment: Hey mar pretty neat, love your sister Janine
Date: 3 Feb 2000 11:04:07
Name: pat
Email: tbeane@penn.com
Comment: hey this is really nice.. u did a nice job! :)
Date: 10 Jan 2000 23:50:05
Name: jrubens
Email: bushido37@hotmail.com
Comment: Hallo!!! It's a sad night and I just found your site.
Great design.....
Ok,nothing will change my mind....
Congratulations for your great site.
Date: 1/6/2000 21:19:48
Name: Baby
Email: rosebuds@pcweb.net
Location: california
URL: Heavenly Wings
Comment: Wonderful Page I will be back often
Date: 1/6/2000 21:17:48
Name: Shelley
Email: shelley@hewebbiz.com
Location: Maryland
URL: HerWebBiz - Tools for the Female Entrepreneur
Comment: I think the design of this site is beautiful!
Date: 10/7/1999 22:17:48
Name: Stephen and Keyla Jeffers
Email: skte.jeffers@bigpond.com
Location: Western Australia
Comment:Hi Keyla, Nice page. I just typed my wife's name into a
search engine and bingo! found your page.
Cheers Stephen Jeffers
Date: 10/1/1999 00:32:09
Name: Kevin&Marlene olewinski
Email: polock@penn.com
Location: Kane,Pa
Date: 09/27/1999 23:54:20
Name: Delores
Email: ceedee@alltel.net
Location: Arkansas
Comment: Keyla, You have done a fantastic job on your web pages. I love
your midi pages. Keep up the good work. You are a dear friend. Love
Date: 09/27/1999 7:47:15
Name: Carla
Email: cargk@aol.com,honeeye@twcny.rr.com
URL: Carla's Home
Comment: Hi there.....I enjoyed visiting and looking through all of
your pages..I thought they were creative and that you put your whole
heart into making them..Very nicely done. Thank you for visitng my
pages also..I will be back to look again soon...Have fun and keep up
the good work..Carla
Date: 09/24/1999 23:47:15
Name: Amanda
Email: abeane@kasd.k12.pa.us
Location: pa
Comment: look i signed it i hope u r happy now
Date: 09/24/1999 14:10:15
Name: Peter dr.kuken Frisen
Email: peter.frisen@telia.com
URL: clan AK
Location: sweden
Comment: hi there,i dunno what to say,,,bye
Date: 09/20/1999 10:10:15
Name: aza
Email: norazani99@yahoo.com
URL: nomura page
Location: s'pore
Comment: You have a real great web site here. I really liked your site
and I enjoyed my visitt very much. Good work and good luck. Well,please visit my site and
don't forget to sign my guestbook.
Date: 09/16/1999 22:40:15
Name: Michele
Email: sassy@pathway.net
Location: Boyers, Pa
Comment: Your page is great.There is alot to do here,I really enjoyed it.You did a great job!
Date: 09/5/1999 15:27:15
Name: Travis
Email: topgear69@hotmail.com
Location: Pa
Comment: Hi, mom I love your homepage it is very beautiful you did a
good job on it.
your the BEST MOM ever. @------}------
Date: 09/4/1999 13:32:03
Name: Denise A Jolly
Email: djolly@cia~g.com
Location: Gallup,Mexico
Comment: Hi Keyla, I am just learning how to use the computer and just got on line. I am a registered nurse here in Gallup at a clinic.
Enjoyed your web page. Take care, Denise
Date: 09/1/1999 14:22:03
Name: Keyla
Location: Indiana
Comment: Hi, I was just surfing the net and found your page. It is very unusual to find someone with the same name as I.
Check out our home page at www.infocom.com/~gelliott. I decorate cakes.
Date: 08/31/1999 19:15:33
Name: Eric
Email: kuduz99@hotmail.com
Location: Cove,Arkansas
Comment: Hey! Great page!byebye
Date: 08/27/1999 16:14:25
Name: Jared Sydoruk
Location: didsbury,ab,ca
Comment: its cool!
Date: 08/27/1999 05:35:47
Name: Mulebones
URL: Mulebones Continuum
Location: Cajun Country,usa
Wow, you've got a lot of stuff here! (I've always had a thing for Hot Wheels.)
You did a really good job with your site and I enjoyed my visit.