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What is a Bad Girl?

Some of us were born bad. Others learned the art. A Bad Girl is always happy to help a good friend go bad.

A Bad Girl is never a good girl at heart, although she probably has a heart of gold.

A bad girl says what she thinks, but she thinks about what she says. Being a Bad Girl doesn't mean being hateful.

Bad Girls don't make excuses. We apologize instead, but only if we are sincere.

Bad girls are funny . We can laugh at ourselves but we wont laugh at you. Even if you deserve it.

Bad girls are kind without being sugar-coated. We are sweet but not sappy. Bad Girls believe in being feminine without the fluff.

Bad girls are a tolerant bunch, as long as you don't expect them to tolerate anything that insults their intelligence or goes against their moral code.

Bad Girls have very high standards, but they love you even if you sometimes fall short.

Bad Girls tell the truth and expect you to do the same.

A Bad Girl stands up for what she knows in her heart to be right, whether or not her opinion is popular.

Bad Girls are independent. We are wise. We are loving. We forgive. We are strong. We speak our minds. We think. We grow. We feel. And we're not afraid to be strong.

Most of all bad girls are smart. Very smart.

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