These images are all the same size, shape, texture and type and intensity of environment. The only difference is the intensity of the ambient, diffuse, specular, and highlight attributes. This will illustrate the extremes, so that you get a better understanding of how these features alter your image.
Minimum Ambient Lighting
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 0.000   
Diffuse= 0.800   
Specular= 1.000     
Highlight: 10.000     
Note: I placed this image on a
white background so that you can see how part
of it disappears.
Maximum Ambient Lighting
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 1.000   
Diffuse= 0.800   
Specular= 1.000     
Highlight: 10.000     
Minimum Diffused Lighting
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 0.300   
Diffuse= 0.000   
Specular= 1.000     
Highlight: 10.000     
Maximum Diffused Lighting
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 1.000   
Diffuse= 1.000   
Specular= 1.000     
Highlight: 10.000     
Minimum Specular Lighting
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 1.000   
Diffuse= 0.800   
Specular= 0.000     
Highlight: 10.000     
Maximum Specular Lighting
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 1.000   
Diffuse= 0.800   
Specular= 1.000     
Highlight: 10.000     
Minimum Intensity of Highlight
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 0.300   
Diffuse= 0.800   
Specular= 1.000     
Highlight: 0.100     
Maximum Intensity of Highlight
The above image was created using the
following parameters:
Intensity of Reflection:   
Ambient= 1.000   
Diffuse= 0.800   
Specular= 1.000     
Highlight: 100.000
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