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This is me and my kitty, Thomas, in October of '99. You can look at my other kitties.

Here's me looking vaguely Empirical, although hatless (which happens to be a pet peeve, but it kept blowing off). This was 18th Century Living History Weekend. I was considerably late-period, I know.

Also, my cute husband.

Randomness follows: (or does it follow?)

I'm a rather bored housewife. And yet, I shouldn't be bored. I do lots of things to keep occupied. I write and roleplay (which is a form of writing, done properly) avidly. I paint a little, I practice my flute every now and then, I attempt to draw, I attempt to sew when I want something badly enough that I can't afford. (like costumes! They're ungodly expensive!)

I attended community college last year, and I still consider myself a student, even though I didn't go back this year. (-$) I read a lot. I still read my textbooks from last year. There's a lot they don't tell you.

I believe, like Combeferre, that the world can be freed by education. And yet I've seen it, people who are educated and still don't get it. I wish I knew how to educate people so that they wouldn't be selfish.

I want to get paid to play dress-up. Right now, I play dress-up for free, at Old Mill Village every Sunday. I also have my hands full with SCA garb, but I doubt they'll be done any time soon. I need to try my hand at acting sometime.

If you really must know more about me, you might try IMing me:
Yahoo IM ratgirl_98 [email also]; daisydelebarricade; cecilywench; medical_mizfit; mamselle_la_morte [they're all on the same account, btw]
AIM DaisydlBarricade [usually]; PatriaEnjolras [occasionally]
ICQ It's not on much, but 49617801 is da number.

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