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Where to See Liz-Clare Poms

We try to enter every show our poms are eligible for. Look for us... everywhere!

Our Biggest Winners

BIS BISS NCh. Ch. Liz-Clare's I Do What I Wanna (HOMEBRED) - #1 All-Breeds (Sept-Dec '99) - #4 All-Breeds (Dec-Mar '00) - 4 All-Breed BIS, 1 BISS
BIS BISS Ch. Liz-Clare's Boyish Charm - #3 all-breeds (June - Sept '99 year), #7 All-Breeds (Sept - Dec '99) - 2 All-Breed BIS, 1 BISS
BIS BISS NCh. Ch. Liz-Clare's Hot Damn Here I Am (HOMEBRED) - #2 All-Breeds (Sept-Dec '99) - #1 All-breeds (Dec-Mar '00) - 1 BIS, 1 BISS
BIS BISS Ch. Liz-Clare's Dream A Little Dream (HOMEBRED) - #2 All-breeds (Dec-Mar '00) - 2 BIS, 1 BISS
Ch. Gidget's Hot Gossip - #4 All-breeds (Dec-Mar '00)
BIS NCh. Ch. Gidget's Can You Dazzle-Me - #1 All-Breeds (Mar-Jun '00) - 1 BIS
BIS BISS Ch. Liz-Clare's Rock Alternative - #2 All-Breeds (Mar-Jun '00) - 2 BIS, 1 BISS
BIS BISS Ch. Liz-Clare's Things R Look N Up - #3 All-Breed (Sept-Dec '00) - 1 BIS, 2 BISS

Currently Specialing:
BIS Ch. Liz-Clare's Things R Look N Up - 1 BIS, 2 BISS
BISS Ch. Liz-Clare's Let Rumors Fly - 1 BISS

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I try to enter all my show quality poms in every show, however some will inevitably beat others. These are the poms that have won points at shows. I'm very proud of my babies, we have a lot to celebrate!

Liz-Clare's Hats Off To Larry Current Points: 5 pts/1maj

CPG's Shrouded In Secrecy
Current Points: 12pts/2maj

CPG's Electric Lemonade
Current Points: 2 pt

BIS CPG's Spatter of Paint
Current Points: 7 pts / 1 maj

CPG's Haze of Glory
Current Points: 3pts/1maj

Liz-Clare's Talking Gibberish
Current Points: 5 pts / 1 maj

Liz-Clare's Not So Lil Dream
Current Points: 5pts/1maj