ANY STORY MARKED WITH A ** MEANS: SLASH! RED ALERT! SLASH! Do not go there if you are uncomfortable with or are not aware of what slash is (Male/Male relationships, and that whole bundle of fun that goes with it). I MEAN IT! Do not go to those sites if you are under the age of adulthood or whatever in your country of residence. If you do, the Pez monster will come get you. While you're asleep...

A Methuselah's Curse Ahorse
Athers Highland Sleeping Beauty Confrontation
Celedon The Mickey To The Ground
Chuck Henry and Gretchen The Kid
Diane Botticelli, Snow White and the BeanstalkWarning
jam-wired A loaf-a-bread,
a container-a-milk,
a stick-a-butta
Janet *** Magic Room
Lady Moonhawke CindeRichie Sunglasses
Lore Old Wolf Sword
Merrie Gail Remember Tam LinConference
Milkshake Butterfly The Tale of Goldilocks and the Three ScotsA Good Laugh
Nynaeve Pixie Hunt Binoculars
Jo Raumo *** Throat Bare
Tianyu Amanda and Oak Grubby
Totem *** Priestly Grin
Ysanne Beauty and the Beast Subway

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