Hello there, Lyric Wheel folks and others!!!

Once again, the gears have started turning, and the lyric wheel is playing with the ebb and flow of music and Highlander.. It's getting a little tighter, and a little more specific, and we hope, a little better for us all. This is, as usual, the assignment, and the posting will be done at the appointed time on the MacBeta Forum (which will hopefully be cleared by then). Last time saw fewer stories, but the assignment was a little tough, and it did come swiftly. So, this time I am going to make this a little longer before the official closing of the lyric wheel.

Here is the new deal, cast and crew……


That's right, the mortals. This wheel is all about the mortals in Highlander. You know who some of them are. Heck, I hope you know who all of them are….Charlie, Joe, Anne, Tessa, even Rachel MacLeod.. all those fun people. The reporter from season one. Who else? Anyway, that's the focus for this wheel spoke. (Hint: Immortals are mortal before they become Immortal……they have no idea what's gonna happen to them…..)


1. Pick a mortal. ONE EXCEPTION—Alexa. She's great story fodder, and she's been really popular, because well, she's *Alexa*…sniffy….and she's been on the wheel a lot. For this wheel use Alexa as a last resort.

2. Write the story based in the lyrics you get. That's right folks, pick a song. Get the lyrics ready, and be ready to mail those suckers to whoever I schlep you off on to. These names are random. I literally pick them out of a hat. Go me. I have a great fedora I do it in too. We'll do the list again. Whoever is below you gets your lyrics. Don't mail your lyrics to me. Just wait until I give y'all the go ahead.

3. THE LYRIC GIMMICK—You have to use, as usual, one line from the chorus of your song in the story, but this time, it must be in dialogue from the mortal you chose. That means your mortal must say them. Yup. Ouch.

4. The rest you all know. If you don't, there's a 4 page max, though if you need to go over, we're not gonna cry. No gratuitous sex. We take slash. For the full Monty, see the rules posting on the lyric wheel homepage….

The Rules

See the main page for recent stories generated by the wheel. Stories not posted there are still on the forum. The Forum, belonging to MacBeta, is at The Forum!!!

How to play: MAIL ME AT deparsons@earthlink.net, and say you want in, and then prepare lyrics, from any song. Have the lyrics handy. I am sending this out Monday night, so the Lyric wheel sign up will close up on Wednesday evening. I will then send an email to the participants with the posting date (think a week from Wed.), and the assignments.

Hope to hear from you by Wednesday!!!!

Amand-r, and unholy Triumvirate……