DISCLAIMER: Nothing’s mine. Nothing at all. None of the HL characters. Ricie's welcome to come visit though. :-) Don’t sue meeee! Feedback welcome.

RATING: G (No sex, mention of violence)

The Ending of the Game

...they lived happily ever after
by Pixie

“Why?” Richie cried as Duncan moved closer, his blade gleaming in the sun. Sweat pored off the younger man’s face. “ I don’t understand! Just tell me why!” He begged.

“Don’t you know by now, this is what we are!” Duncan responded carelessly. “It had to happen sometime. There can be only one.”

“There can be more than one!” Richie protested nervously as Duncan moved even closer, blocking any chance of escape. “Who ever said there can be only one? Huh? I mean, come on man! It’s just a game!”

“It’s more than a game,” Duncan replied quietly, concentrating on his target, the throat.

“I used to be so good at this! How is it that you’re always better?”

“Years of practice.” MacLeod tossed back.

Richie shook his head. “You must have no life.”

“I have a life.” Duncan defended. “I have several. You, young man, have only one left. You’ve wasted your lives foolishly. You are nothing to me! I will crush you!”

Richie moaned. “I think this is going to your head. So, are you gonna end it, or not? I’m sick of this anyway. I mean, how long have we been at it? Four or five hours?”

“No. If I kill you, that’s it. Game Over. No one left. But if I keep you alive….well, I can win!”

Richie rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He snapped. “But hurry up already! I’m really getting sick of this game! Come on, the whole point is to kill everyone you come across. How stupid is that? Not to mention violent! ‘Specially the whole decapitating thing.”

“I agree!” Tessa called. “This is extremely violent! Perhaps you should stop?”

“Yeah!” Richie encouraged. “I’m tired of samurais. Wanna try a little ‘Gotta catch ‘em all’?”

“Huh?” Duncan asked, confused.

“Pokemon, man. Gotta catch ‘em all!” Richie pulled the samurai game out of the N64 sending the televsion into a blank, blue screen.

"Hey!" Duncan protested. "I was just gonna kill you! You were on your last life!"

“Let’s see what Peekachu's up to.”

Duncan shrugged. “I guess so? I love this Nintendo thingie! It is so cool!”

Tessa and Richie stared at Duncan, open-mouthed. “Did you just say cool?” Richie choked out.

“Well it is!”


Thanx to Canadian Girl for the lyrics! (It's probably not what you expected, but....)

Forest Fire
written/sung by David Usher

What if I were you and you were me
Still can't see the forest fire beyond the trees
Now I'm standing in a field of green the colors
burning far as I can see
What do you see
On my tongue the galaxies so small
Here I'll drink it down and watch the world dissolve
Now I'm pouring through the universe and slipping
Through the endless
Stream of time
What would you find

And I'm flying floating on the wind again
Hoping it will drag me in
Can't you see I'm laughing

Laughing at the consequence
Laughing at this circumstance
Don't you know by now

Stare at all the faces they go by
Faster that we live the more we die
Now I'm crashing through the open door and smiling
in a most peculiar way
What would you say

And I'm falling faster than a waterfall
Opened up and after all
Can't you see I'm drowning right
Here in the open air
Wishing I could still go clear

Don't you know by now
Don't you know by now
This is what we are
This is what we are
Don't you know by now
Don't you know by now
This is what we are
This is what we are

And I'm flying floating on the wind again
Hoping it will drag me in
Cant' you see I'm hoping

Wishing I could see myself
Wishing I was someone else
But don't you know by now
Don't you know by now
This is what we are

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