DISCLAIMERS: No one was injured, maimed, or killed in the making of my very first attempt at writing fiction. At least, I hope I hid the bodies well enoughJ But seriously folks, I own nothing. The characters below belong to the powers that be. Thanks to Olympia for the lyrics. Feedback is appreciated since I have no idea if this story is bad, really bad, or just plain awful. Be brutally honest, but in a kind way.

Love's Fool

by Eleanor

BBRING! BBRING!! A groan and a mumbled Gaelic oath signaled that the persistent ringing had finally penetrated the Highlander’s slumber. Flinging his arm out, he fumbled for the receiver. "’Lo," he mumbled blearily into the phone.

"Is this Duncan McLeod?" an officious voice asked crisply.

Groaning softly, Duncan cleared his throat, "Speaking. Who is this?"

"This is Detective Regan Patrick, Seacouver Police Department. We have in custody someone who says that she is a friend of yours."

Duncan rolled his eyes heavenward, as if praying for divine guidance. Sighing, he murmured, "Amanda."

This was a sharp intake of breath on the other end, "Yes." Suddenly, the voice became suspicious, "How did you know?"

A soft chuckle escaped his lips, "What has she done this time?"

"Well, nothing exactly, as near as we can tell. She was found near Moretti’s Jewelry Store earlier this evening, shortly after the police arrived because a silent alarm had been activated."

Duncan grinned as he thought, "Not as fast as you used to be Amanda dear." Remembering who was at the other end of the telephone line, he quickly sobered, "Well, she must have been happening by when the robbery occurred. Is she okay?"

Detective Patrick’s tone became wary, "Mr. McLeod, I didn’t tell you that the store was robbed. How did you know that?"

Duncan grimaced and thought quickly, "Well, when you said Moretti’s Jewelry Store, I just assumed a robbery because of the valuable items. Is my friend all right? Can I speak to her?"

"Actually, I am calling to see if you can pick her up. She has to stay in the area until we can verify her alibi. She assured me that you would personally guarantee that she would stay in your home until we conclude our investigation."

Duncan rubbed his forehead, trying in vain to prevent the throbbing headache that had instantly flared up at the detective’s words from spreading. He sighed deeply, "Yes, Detective. I will guarantee that Amanda will remain with me until you finish. Can I pick her up now?"

"Yes. Do you know where the department is located?"

"Unfortunately," Duncan muttered, "Tell her I’ll be right down."

Duncan hung up the phone, and shrugged into the jeans and sweater hanging neatly over the foot of his bed. He picked up his leather duster, and securing his katana, he left to bail Amanda out of trouble one more time.

Driving to the police department, he brooded, "Always calls me when she is trouble. Drags me into her messes and escapades. Why me?"

Arriving at the department, Duncan noticed Amanda sitting on the watchman’s desk, a police cap perched on her head, with the cap’s baby-faced owner staring adoringly at her. Amanda grinned unrepentantly, "Well, there you are. I was beginning to worry."

Duncan smiled a strained smile, "I have no doubt that you would be able to take care of yourself."

Amanda, sensing the Highlander’s anger, attempted to lighten the mood, "Duncan, this is my new friend, Todd Drake. He’s the desk duty officer at night. He let me borrow his hat. How do I look?"

"Like trouble,’ Duncan snorted, "Can we leave now?"

Amanda returned the hat to its rightful owner, kissing the young man’s cheek, "Thanks Todd. See you later."

Once they were in the car, Amanda tugged on Duncan’s sweater, "You’re not really mad at me, are you? I swear, I was just walking by when the police arrived, and I…"

"Save it Amanda," Duncan retorted, "You don’t have to convince me that you weren’t robbing the store."

Amanda’s eyes grew wide, "Duncan, I’m shocked that you would dare suggest that I was doing something illegal."

Duncan laughed, "Amanda, you and I both know what you were doing. The problem is this time you got caught before you could finish the job."

A feline grin appeared on her face, "Says who?"

Duncan slammed his hand on the steering wheel, "Dammit Amanda, I am tired of covering for you, and bailing you out of scrapes. This had gone on far too long. You are too old for this..this…these juvenile anctics!"

Amanda’s face froze, "Duncan, I do what I please, when I please. You have no right to tell me what to do. Besides, you used to enjoy my antics. I seem to remember a young Highlander centuries ago who used to be there with me, laughing, not criticizing."

Duncan struggled to keep his temper, his brogue becoming more pronounced, "Amanda, this has got to stop. You got caught. Do you realize the trouble you’re in?"

Amanda shrugged her slim shoulders, "They don’t have anything on me. I don’t have any jewelry. I just happened to be walking by when the alarm went off. I was…I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," she grinned at Duncan.

Duncan glanced at her innocent look, and barked out a laugh, "Amanda, nothing about you is innocent. And I mean it, no more trouble. I’m not going to bail you out anymore."

Amanda sighed dramatically, throwing her arms up in the air, "Fine, you win Duncan. I’ll behave." She qualified her statement, "At least while I’m here."

Duncan just stared at her, narrowing his gaze. Amanda pouted, "Duncan, I said I would behave. I’ll turn over a new leaf. I promise."

Duncan roared with laughter as he pulled into the driveway, "Amanda, the day that happens I’ll gladly serve you my head on a platter because it will mean the end of the world is near!"

Amanda giggled, "So, you’re not mad at me anymore?"

Duncan sighed, "Amanda, you’ll never change. And I’m the fool because I know it and yet I can’t leave you. I guess I’ll take you, faults and all."

She ran her tongue along the rim of his ear, "Have I properly thanked you for your help tonight?"

Duncan just moaned.

Later that night, with Amanda fast asleep, Duncan examined the small woman curled in his arms. "So, our love’s not a simple thing," he mused, and kissed her forehead tenderly, "But I’ll take you anyway I can."

Tightening his hold, he fell asleep, dreaming of the woman who alternately loved, and plagued, him, with a wide smile on his face.

Lyrics provided by:


Words and music by Loreena McKennitt
When the moon on a cloud cast night
Hung above the tree tops' height
You sang me of some distant past
That made my heart beat strong and fast
Now I know I'm home at last

You offered me an eagle's wing
That to the sun I might soar and sing
And if I heard the owl's cry
Into the forest I would fly
And in its darkness find you by.

And so our love's not a simple thing
or our truths unwavering
But like the moon's pull on the tide
Our fingers touch our hearts collide
I'll be a moonsbreath by your side

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