My contribution to the Lyric wheel. The lyrics I got from Amand-r, were the ones to Concrete Blond's song "Probably Will". I've not heard the song, and decided purposely not to seek out the melody and music but to go on words alone. And, me being me, the story drifted into yet *another* song, they lyrics of which I've included into the story just because it didn't seem right to trim them. I apologize to anyone who might have ended up with the lyrics to Sarah McLachlan's "I Will Remember You". I wasn't trying to scoop you.

I guess it should be noted that I do not have official-like permission to use Sarah's words. Though the free advertising oughta make up for

You know the usual drill here: In addition to stealing Sarah's song, I'm also borrowing Panzer-what's-their-names' universe. And leaving it
unblemished (I think). My OC, Matt Brennan's in here. I tried to write without him but he pouted and sulked (you know how muses can be). Sorry if the story sucks for you because in addition to Joe and Mac and Amanda I also added Matt. And Rachel.

Lyrics to "Probably Will" can be found at the end. Thanks for taking the time to read. Comments, criticisms, flames, to

Probably Will

by RJ Ferrance

A full and appreciative house, a hot, meshing band, a vocalist that could tie the sound into a tight little bow and deliver it to the appreciative house... and a gentle whiskey buzz layered on top. Life just didn't get much better than that.

Of course, Joe thought as he effortlessly pulled chords from his Stratocaster, watching your former girlfriend make time with a buff
Scotsman at the bar would go a long way towards blunting that high.

The keyboardist was busy not showing that he noticed what was going on between Amanda and Mac. But Joe could see the barest hint of a frown on Matt Brennan's face.

The crowd was long gone now, nearly an hour in fact. But the band played on, mostly by mutual unspoken agreement. Without the usual Joe's
regulars, they'd slid into some 'non-standard' tunes, i.e. songs that weren't Blues and weren't Jazz. But songs that were fun nonetheless.

A little James Gang, a little Aerosmith, a little Alannis Morrisette and even - God help them all - a ballad from ABBA.

The audience had dwindled to just Mac and Amanda. Even Mike the bartender was gone, having locked up on his way out. And yet, the band played on.

"This is going to be my last night here for awhile, Joe," Matt told him. The two were just close enough together to manage conversation. "I'm headed back East in the morning."

Joe nodded once. "I knew it wouldn't be much longer. You had that look in your eye."

That brought a hint of a crooked smile. "Damn, you're good."

Matt had been in Immie-dense Seacouver nearly three weeks, though he'd originally only intended to stay a couple of days, just long enough to visit with an old friend who was now Chief of Pediatric Cardiothoracic surgery at the University of Washington Medical Center. But Joe had lured him back to the music, and then had to watch as Amanda and Mac had practically flaunted the now 'on' part of their 'on again/off again'

Matt's smile hadn't lasted long. As the Alannis song ended, Joe reached for his drink on the keyboard's polished top. "They're not doing it on purpose, you know," he said, more quietly without the band to hide his voice from everyone else present.

His suspicions about Matt's preoccupation were immediately confirmed when the immortal told him, "I know that, Joe." Matt's piercing gray
eyes found the couple again, who now weren't even paying attention to the band at all. Amanda was laughing at something Mac had whispered into her ear. "I spend a lot of time getting over her," Matt told Joe. "I'm actually pretty good at it."

"You're all going to be around awhile," Joe told him, trying to make it sound like a joke. "She'll cycle back around again. You'll see."

Matt took a sip of his own glass of Irish whiskey. "No, Joe," he said, more quietly. "This time, I don't think so."

Joe replaced his glass. "Why's that?" he asked. "You two have drifted together so many times...."

Matt's frown turned contemplative as he watched the couple at the bar. "It's... different between them this time." He chewed on his lip a
moment while he tried to quantify it. "It's... The way they talk about each other. The way they talk about themselves." He shook his head.
"Look at them, Joe. They can talk forever. They probably will." He sighed, and turned his attention back to the keys before him.

Joe didn't have an argument for him. He'd been thinking the same thing. Amanda wasn't acting so much like Amanda lately. And Mac... was damned
near smitten. It was as if the two had recently met for the first time. It *was* different.

"Hey you two," Joe's vocalist, Rachel interrupted, sliding onto the piano bench beside Matt. The ancient Irishman slid over to give her
room. "We done?"

Joe flexed his fingers and then wrapped them around the guitar neck again. Matt looked to have one more song in him. "You know any Sarah
McLachlan?" Matt asked her, choosing the key and softly playing out the chord. He used his other hand to gently nudge his mic in her direction
so that she wouldn't have to leave the bench.

"You saying goodbye, Matt?" Joe asked quietly, recognizing the key.

"The only way I know how, Joe."

Rachel leaned to gently place a friendly kiss on Matt's cheek. She hadn't missed the weird dynamics either. "Of course, Matt. I'd be
honored," she told him. Matt put both hands to the keys to accompany her vocals. "I will remember you.... Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories....

"Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away from us when things got bad
How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun
Wanna feel your warmth upon me,
I wanna be the one

"I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

"I'm so tired but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep
It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside,
but we can't be heard

"But I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

"I'm so afraid to love you,
but more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had,
oh you gave me light

"And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
Weep not for the memories"

Matt's fingers hovered over the keys as the chord slowly faded, and Rachel's voice with it. He'd not only said good-bye, he'd also given
himself some good advice.

He switched off the Yamaha and stood, finishing his drink as he did. He hugged Rachel, shook hands with Joe, waved to the bassist and the
drummer and then shrugged into his tenchcoat. Amanda and Mac were already gone.

Of course.

He gave the band one last nod goodbye, and then headed out into the cold and foggy Seacouver night.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Probably Will

by concrete blonde

They say I may be crazy
I only say I've had my fill
They say I'll throw it all away
I probably will
They'll only give you what you're taking
But lately I've been unfulfilled
They say I'll probably blow it off someday
I probably will

The way they talk about each other
The way they talk about themselves,
Well they can talk talk talk forever and they probably will
You know they probably will

Well I'm not really bitter.
You know I'm just a little chilled
They say that things can just get better
And they probably will
And they will only make us stronger
If they should try to keep us still
And we could rise and take it all someday
We probably will

The way they talk about each other
The way you talk about yourselves,
well you can talk talk talk forever and you probably will
You know you probably will


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