Disclaimer: Duncan, Amanda, and company are not mine. No money made, so don't sue.

She Runs Away

by KatlinMac

Duncan stood on the stoop of the dojo and watched the cab drive away with tears in his eyes. He knew it was for the best. He and Amanda could never stay together for very long, but this time seemed different. This time he was sorry to see her go.

Since Tessa's death, Duncan had been so consumed with his grief he was barely functioning. Anne Devlin's arrival gave him a reason to go on. Richie had to learn how to fight, and fast. Duncan couldn't let him down. That would have been like failing Tessa, and he couldn't do that again. After Anne left town, he found himself slipping back into his dark depression. Then Amanda arrived and turned his life upside-down yet again.

She made her typical Amanda entrance into the dojo while he and Richie were fencing and did her best to find her way back into his bed. But it was too soon for him to think about anything physical. Amanda realized his pain and used every weapon in her personal arsenal to break through his barriers. It turned out to be just what he needed. Sometimes she knew him better than he knew himself.

Duncan made his way back up to the loft and he remembered the night he broke down in Amanda's arms. She had finally managed to get him talking about Tessa, then the walls crashed down and he found himself sobbing her arms wondering why she had died. Amanda held him while he cried and comforted him. "Duncan, sometimes the more you wonder why, the worse it seems to get." That night he had slept more soundly than he had in weeks.

In the morning he had watched her move around the loft doing typical morning things: drying her hair, making coffee. That was when he realized no matter what the little vixen had done, no matter how much he irritated him, he was happy when she was around. He realized he loved her, and he always had. Later as he pulled her from the river after their "murder", the feeling was stronger. He knew he couldn't escape it, and the truth was he didn't want to.

Now he stood by his window staring out into the city. Amanda was gone and he never knew when she would be back. Richie had arrived, concerned about his friend, shortly after Amanda left. The young man was having a hard time understanding them.

"Mac, I just don't get it. I mean she's beautiful, she's funny, and in the past few days you've been happy. Why did she leave?"

"Happiness is never how you think it should be, Rich. She did what she always does when she gets comfortable. She runs away."

She Runs Away by Duncan Sheik

You may not be the end of it
But luckily she comes around
It isn't what she talks about
It's just the way she is

(and she says)
Ooh darlin' don't you know
The darkness comes and the darkness goes
Ooh babe why don't you let it go?
Happiness is never how you think it should be so

I mystified the simple life
I covered up with consciousness
I saw myself and broke it down
'Till nothing more was left
She saw the symptoms right away
And spoke to me in poetry
"Sometimes the more you wonder why
The worse it seems to get"

(and she says)
Ooh darlin' don't you know
The darkness comes and the darkness goes
Ooh babe why don't you let it go?
Happiness is never how you think it should be so
But she runs away
She runs away…

And then you know comes a time
You need her more than anything
You may believe yours are the wounds
That only she can heal
Then everything will turn around
And she becomes so serious
What she chose to offer you
Was all that you could have

(and she says)
Ooh darlin' don't you know
The darkness comes and the darkness goes
Ooh babe why don't you let it go?
Happiness is never how you think it should be so
But she runs away
She runs away….
She runs away….
She runs away….

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