Disclaimer: I don't own MacLeod, Methos, Joe, Richie, Amanda or
anybody else from Highlander. They are owned by their owners, which happen to be Rysher and something-or-other-that-I-can’t-remember-off-hand.
I also don't own the song "Time Stand Still". I'm just using it
for the lyric wheel. Spoilers: The Cross of St. Antoine

Time Stand Still

(or, When Immortals Grow Old)
by Adelle aka Erchomenos

Duncan MacLeod glanced wearily around the bar. Today was one of those days where he felt every bit his age. Four hundred. Mortals thought of it as nearly ancient. Well, at least those who had ever known about him had. Time seemed to slip away, gone before he could savor anything, till finally it was a memory of the past. A past people were learning about in their history classes. History classes, was that all he was good for? He stared sullenly into his drink. Yes, today he felt old. Every time he got comfortable, things shifted and changed. Things had gotten even worse with the invention of computers. Modern technology often seemed to be more trouble than it was worth. It always seemed to be working against him. He could never catch up to things of the time. His eyes traveled around the bar again, stopping to rest on Joe. As much as he hated to acknowledge it, Joe wasn't going to live forever. Being in a depressed mood, he did acknowledge the thought's presence, and used it to fuel his fire. In another century, these years would just be another memory, and he'd be lost in another modern world. Lost, and wishing for simpler times like these. Where was Amanda? She always distracted him and pulled him out of his bad moods. Richie, wisecracking and young, managed to distract him too, mostly by getting into trouble. But MacLeod hadn't seen either of them for the last few days. He resumed his scanning of the bar, and looked at the only other immortal in the room. Methos, aka Adam Pierson. Just then, the older immortal turned around and saw MacLeod looking at him. He got up, beer in hand, and joined the Scot.

"What's wrong with you?"

MacLeod, no longer feeling so ancient beside the 5000 year old, just shrugged. How can you explain that you feel old to someone who is millenniums your senior?

"Methos, don't you ever feel old?"

"I used to. Still do sometimes. But you have to live a little.
You know what they say, 'Seize the day'. You know, look around you, make each impression a little bit longer."

MacLeod looked surprised. "Since when are you so philosophical and willing to share your *great wisdom* of the ancients with the rest of us?"

"MacLeod, many immortals can't take it. I, on the other hand, obviously can. That's just how." He explained as if he were speaking to a child. In a way he was, when you compared their ages.

MacLeod was too wrapped up in his feelings to even notice Methos' tone of voice. "But in order to do that, don't you have to let your defenses down? You'd never do that," he asked doubtfully.

"No. But I've learned to live as if each step was the end."

"Really?" Asked MacLeod glumly. "But look around you. Children growing up, old friends growing older. It seems awfully unfair to them."

Methos sighed. "MacLeod, why don't *you* look around you? Do they seem unhappy about their mortality? What you meant is that it's unfair to you."

MacLeod was taken by surprise. He had never thought about that before. Still, he had to defend himself.

"Oh yeah? What about Alexa?" He immediately regretted speaking the words, but couldn't take them back. "Sorry Methos. I didn't mean-"

With a wave of his hand, Methos silenced him. "Alexa," he whispered with resignation in his voice. Emotions played across his face. Hurt, sadness, grief. Maybe even a little anger. But mostly it was grief. For a moment, he stayed like that, looking absolutely hopeless. Methos looked nothing like Death of the Four Horsemen, and looked like he never had been. Then, the moment passed, and he was just his normal cynical self again. Cynical, but defeated. "Alexa," he said again. "She was brave. She did not have the time other mortals have, never mind us. You can learn something from her. While I knew her, she looked hard and saw more of the people and places that surrounded her. She knew didn't have a lot of time left."

"I guess I kind of let my past go too fast." admitted MacLeod.

"No. You have a great past full of wonderful boy scout deeds and heroism. You did the best you could. Why, I'll bet you never did anything wrong in your life. I, on the other hand, am not looking back. Of course, eventually something or someone comes up and reminds me."

Choosing to ignore the implications of Methos' last statement, MacLeod said, "I guess Amanda never told you about the cross of St. Antoine."

"No, she didn't. Why?"

"I'm surprised. At the time, she seemed pretty upset that I was asking her to steal. Then again, later she wanted to become partners in crime with me."

"And..?" Methos looked surprised and curious.

"You're going to have to ask her about it. For now, I'm going to make each impression a little bit stronger." MacLeod grinned.

Rolling his eyes, Methos muttered, "You do that, MacLeod. And when you're as old as I am..." he trailed off.

"Methos?” MacLeod grinned. “Thanks."

"For what?"

"For making me feel young again."

"Yeah, whatever. Tell Joe to get me another beer."

Puzzled, MacLeod asked, "How did you know I was going to talk to

Methos shrugged. "You said you were going to make each impression a little bit stronger. Joe's your watcher."

Still confused, he started making his way through the crowd to Joe. Duncan looked at the people around him. Young, old, male, female. They would all die someday, sooner than they knew. But most also looked happy, and content with what life gave them. Many had children, parents, sisters, brothers.
People who would be with them when they died, and people who they could be with. In a way, he envied them. But he also knew that he had a good life, if that's what you could call his little bit of happiness mixed in with all the death, grief, and sorrow of immortality.

"Hey MacLeod! Need anything?" Greeted Joe.

"*I* don't need anything, but Methos wants another beer."

"Okay, that's no surprise. So, how's it going?"

"Fine, I guess." MacLeod paused before continuing. "Joe, do you think I've been letting life pass me by?"

"Well, lately you haven't really been doing anything, since Richie and Amanda left. Why?"

MacLeod shrugged. "No reason. Where are Amanda and Richie, anyway?"

Now it was Joe's turn to shrug. "Don't know. They ditched their Watchers a couple days ago. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I don't know. It just seems that I have a lot of time on my hands." He stopped, as an idea began to form in his mind. "I'd like to go someplace, and really see it. Joe, if you could go anywhere in the world for one week, where would you like to go?"

"What? I don't know. Why?"

"Well, you're my Watcher, so you have to go everywhere I go, right?"


"And I want to go somewhere and freeze each moment a little bit longer, and make each sensation a little bit stronger. Only I can't think of where to go. So you choose, and you get a vacation."

"Uh huh, and what about the fact that I'm supposed to be Watching you?" Joe sounded unconvinced, but MacLeod could tell he liked the idea.

"You choose the tourist spots, I go there. And it's not like you go everywhere I go anyway. Do you?"

Joe didn't say anything for a moment, then said, "I'll think about it. Here, give Methos his beer."

"Sure." MacLeod took the beer and headed back to Methos. "Here's your beer. I've got to go. And thanks again."

"Huh? For what?"

"Like I said, I feel young again. And thanks for showing me how to make time stand still."


Authors Note: Okay, okay, you may think it's all out of character for MacLeod, Methos, and Joe, but I had fun writing it, and I hope you had fun reading it. I've used no beta readers for this, just my lonesome little self. Feedback appreciated.


Time Stand Still by Rush

I turn my back to the wind
To catch my breath
Before I start off again.
Driven on without a moment to spend
To pass an evening with a drink and a friend

I let my skin get too thin
I'd like to pause
No matter what I pretend
Like some pilgrim
Who learns to transcend
Learns to live as if each step was the end

(Time stand still)
I'm not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away

CI turn my face to the sun
Close my eyes
Let my defenses down
All those wounds that I can't get unwound

I let my past go too fast
No time to pause
If I could slow it all down
Like some captain, whose ship runs aground
I can wait until the tide comes around

(Time stand still)
I'm not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each impression a little bit stronger
Freeze this motion a little bit longer
The innocence slips away
The innocence slips away...

Summer's going fast, nights growing colder
Children growing up, old friends growing older
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each impression a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away...
The innocence slips away.

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