Title: Old Wolf
Rating: PG 15 slash
Summary:Wesley thinks about going back home
Pairing:Wesley/Gunn, Wesley/Methos
Notes:this is a Angel:the Series/Highlander crossover, I guess you could call it an AU

I've got a house in a very fine place with squirrels running through the green open space. Yet I'm walking through LA, looking at the world around me and just about ready to take off from this maze. I've got money in the bank and a clean honest face. The hoodlums around me seem to think I'm easy prey.

I died today. Wesley did. So why should I go back. What reason have I got. Angel's back and they don't need me no more.

I don't need them.
No, better to just go back home. Back to good old England and the wolf in grandma's clothing waiting there for me.

I've got books and a fireplace for rainy days, where we can share second thoughts about the human race. I've got friends, I've got family to embrace. I've got a sister who loves me and a father to scowl. And I got a wolf hidden in between the innocence of green pastures.

"Come to me baby." he'll say, "There's more than enough."
And as I fall in his arms, he'll comfort me with kisses.
"Come to me baby and finish it with love."

And we'll have sex, and I'll forget all about the darkskinned beauty who pulled me through the lonely nights. Who held me close and defended my back as I was alone. I'll forget all about his trust in me and go with the grey wolf who waits at the door of that small house in greener pastures.

We'll stand in front of the TV and share laughs as we share our ridicule for the instructive tapes about the latest dance craze. And we'll dance the night away, sharing our sweaty bodies in front of the fluorescent screen and see ourselves reflected in the gaudy crystal discobal that he insisted on.

And I'll forget all about those dark eyes that expect me to be there for him, because so many of his friends have been lost to death. Eyes that flood with emotion, once you break through the walls. Angel will have to be there for him, cause I'm going to my wolf now.

I'm not the crying type and I'm too smart to be rough, but I can't help being flooded by sadness as the best life I've had in centuries slips in between my fingers. A life I wished for so long. A life that my father said was not for me. It's been centuries and still I tremble at the dissappointment in his voice. To hear him tell I'm worthless.

And life after life I've proven him right.
My life as a watcher was wasted. I wanted to ... if only to prove to him that I could do the right thing. But when even a child like the Slayer is more mature than I am, it teaches you things.
So I ran on to daddy, and he got me fired, taking the decision out of my hands, again.

Handing me the perfect excuse to leave that life behind as he offered me the letter. He didn't say a word. But I just knew ... I knew I'm worthless, I knew I'm useless.

I tried to follow his path, to proove myself. But then I met my wolf who lovingly told me to come over.
And I ran as I do now, each time it gets to hard.

A bird is flying over all the things I'm thinking of. And I get lonely, so lonely.
Daddy's waiting, him and the wolf amidst the sheep.

Why can't I?
Please save me so I can go home again and my wolf can finish it all off with love.

--- The End

Oh yeah, I used the lyrics of this song as well, the picture alone didn't do it for me.

Finish it all off (with love) by Mauro

I've got a house in a very fine place
with squirrels running through a
green open space
I've got money in the bank and a clean honest face.
All kinds of tea in a fancy little case

Come to me baby
There is more than enough
Come to me baby and
finish it all off with love
With love

I've got books and a fireplace for rainy days
where we can share second
thoughts about the human race
I've got friends I've got family to embrace
Instructive tapes about the latest dance craze.

Come to me babyt
There is more than enough
Come to me baby and
Finish it all off with love
With love

I'm not the crying type and I'm too smart to be rough
A bird is flying over all the things
I'm thinking of
I get lonely
I get so lonely

Come to me baby
There is more than enough
Come to me baby
And finish it all off
Come to me baby
There is more than enough
Come to me I need you
To finish it all off
With love
With love
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