ANY STORY MARKED WITH A ** MEANS: SLASH! RED ALERT! SLASH! Do not go there if you are uncomfortable with or are not aware of what slash is (Male/Male relationships, and that whole bundle of fun that goes with it). I MEAN IT! Do not go to those sites if you are under the age of adulthood or whatever in your country of residence. If you do, the Pez monster will come get you. While you're asleep...

Sandra Adair Graduation Day
Alice in Stonyland A New Man
Amand-r Adam Pierson's Diary
Athena Dawn's Early Light
Carikate A Diary Entry
Carin The Grand Illusion
Chuck Banshee's Lament
Diane Of Eeyore, Death, Destiny, and
Oh Yes, Also Dream
Marianne Edison The Sharing of Fears
Hmpf Epilogue
Isolde It's A Good Thing
Jason Blessing of Tears
Mark Jones The Runners Up
KickAir8P~ Burn In
K'Immielvr Aftermath
Lady Moonhawke The Quick and the Dead
Lore Ride the Wild Wind
LovesToWrite Delirium
Laura Mason The Ruins
Merrie Gail Of Swords and Books
and Wild Winds
Milkshake Butterfly Burn Out Bright
Pollyanna Spartoi
Nynaeve Universal Wolf
pixie What Would Happen If We Kissed?
Rebecca Anniversaries
Rhiannon Shaw De Profundis
Rhiannon Shaw Falling Stars
Rowan Elemental
Shadowlight You Go To My Head
Sherry THE Night
Shomeret Blast Me To Heaven
Shrewreader Booking the Hours
Tansy The End of Pain
tarsh Syni Molniya
Titania The Musings of Death
Totem Blurring the Edges

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