ANY STORY MARKED WITH A ** MEANS: SLASH! RED ALERT! SLASH! Do not go there if you are uncomfortable with or are not aware of what slash is (Male/Male relationships, and that whole bundle of fun that goes with it). I MEAN IT! Do not go to those sites if you are under the age of adulthood or whatever in your country of residence. If you do, the Pez monster will come get you. While you're asleep...

Alice In Stonyland The Witch's Call
Amand-r Blades Talk
Athers The Once Great City
Dana Woods The Flat Earth
Highland Emma The Hitchhiker
Human Typhoon One Day Of My Life
Jason All In A Day's Work
Johanna Steel In the Middle of Nowhere With You
Lady Moonhawke Margaritas
Laura Mason Half Empty
Lore Explain It to Me
Merrie Gail On the Street Where You Live
Pollyanna Tithing
Rebecca, The Dragon Goddess The End, The Beginning
Sherry Learning To Fly
Teresa Coffman Desert Mirage
Tosca Passage**

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