These are the things I strongly support

Hi! These are the some of the many the things that I strongly support and believe in. Please help these causes by visiting their sites (after you see all of mine, of course), and joining the campaign too! Thanks! (oh... and some of these are funny, while others are actually serious... just thought I'd tell you)

I Support the Dragon Lovers Draconic Equality

Save the Dragons Campaign

We support Chandler and Monica in love on Friends!

We support Monica and Chandler in love on Friends!

Frames Free! Ribbon

Ban the stupid off the net!

Okay... I'm not really totally for this... but I think it's pretty funny...

Stop partial birth abortions now! I am a pro-life feminist. Pro-life

impeach the president!I support he conseratives

I support Microsoft!
Lung Cancer Awareness

Support Dane for Emperor!

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