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The Sabbats

Every year, there are eight sabbats. These are pagan holidays that are celebrated to recognize the differant seasons of the Goddess and God, and the differant seasons on earth.. summer, autumn, winter and spring. The four major Sabbats are: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas. The four minor Sabbats are: Ostara, Litha, Mabon and Yule. The minor Sabbats are celebrated on the first day of each new season.

Here are the Sabbats..

Yule *Dec 21*
Imbolc/Candlemas *Feb 1*
Ostara (spring equinox) *Mar 21*
Beltane *May 1*
Litha (summer solstice) *Jun 21*
Lammas *Jul 31*
Mabon (autumn equinox) *Sept 21*
Samhain *Nov. 31*