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Official Biography for

One Laugh at Least Member

Shivaun O'Donnell

Shivaun C. O'Donnell was born in New Jersey, lived in Ireland and California before settling in Wilkes-Barre in 1979. Actually she didn't plan to settle here. She planned to go to college and move to New York City and become a rich and famous actress.

She's come close to her goal. She went to college, goes to New York occasionally, and was once nominated for a Best Actress Award by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Theatrical Alliance.

She is now working towards the rich and famous part.

Like co-member Greg Korin, Shivaun spent several years on the local airwaves. She worked as a DJ for WILK and Q-102 in the early 80's. Having abandoned the entertainment field to make some money, she spent many years working in the software biz, and hung it all up for a thong....she is now General Manager for Odyssey Fitness in Wilkes-Barre.

She is thrilled to be involved with One Laugh at Least for a variety of reasons. "It's informal, fun, we have no directors, no one in charge -- don't tell Chris that -- and believe it or not, no arguments," she says, adding "Well, at least not between me and most of the members."

Besides being slave wife to Chris, she is also mother to the incredibly talented Evan, who now attends Temple University.

In her spare time, she does voice overs.

Shivaun's Voice Over site

Odyssey Fitness


