Check out this Israeli charoset recipe for the Passover / Pesach Seder, one of many Israeli charoset recipes found in the Land of Israel, since there are a plethora of Jews who have migrated to Israel from many Jewish communities scattered throughout the world with each adding to the variety of Israeli charoset recipes in the Holy Land.

Israeli charoset (you can also spell it: Israeli charoses, Israeli haroset, Israeli charoseth, Israeli Haroseth, or Israeli Haroses) will be the general, overall term for a plethora of charoset recipes from many Jewish cultural and ethnic groups in Israel. An Israeli charoset recipe will have any number and amount of ingredients in it. Further adding to the number of Israeli charoset recipes are the individual family charoset recipes passed down from generation to generation, with their unique ingredients and amount of each ingredient, usually reflecting the ingredients of the region and/or city in the country from which the family had emigrated. An Israeli charoset recipe based on a cultural difference will be an Israeli charoset recipe for Ashkenazim (Jews whose ancestors came from Central and Eastern Europe), Sephardim (Jews whose ancestors came from either Spain or Portugal), and Mizrahim (Jews whose ancestors came from either the Middle East or Asia in general). Besides Jewish cultural and ethnic groupings, an Israeli charoset recipe can also reflect a particular religious, political, or social philosophy of a group, such as an Israeli charoset recipe for the Kibbutz movement, Zionist religious movement, or Jewish Humanistic movement, to name a few. Symbolisms added to the selected ingredients for an Israeli charoset recipe will be based on re-interpreting the original symbolic interpretation for charoset to reflect one's religious, political, and/or social philosophy. The following Israeli charoset recipe for the Passover / Pesach festival is, as mentioned, but one of many versions.

Israeli Charoset Recipe (Makes 4 cups; Approximate Preparation Time: 1 hour)

1/2 pound dried raisins
1/2 pound dried apricots
1/2 pound pitted dates
2 cups water
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon sweet red wine
1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped pecans

Instructions for the Israeli Charoset recipe:

  1. Soak the raisins, apricots and dates in the water for an hour.
  2. Add the sugar and wine to the water-fruit mixture. Chop the mixture, a third at a time, in a blender or food processor for about a minute.
  3. Transfer the chopped fruits to a heavy saucepan and let simmer about 20 minutes over low heat until the fruit is cooked and the liquid absorbed.
  4. Remove from heat and cool, then mix in the chopped nuts.

Nutrition Data Per Serving: Calories: 321; Protein: 3 grams; Fat: 4 grams; Carbohydrates: 76 grams; Sodium: 10 milligrams; Saturated Fat: 0 grams; Monounsaturated Fat: 2 grams; Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 gram; Cholesterol: 0 milligrams.

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