Try these low-cholesterol Passover recipes (or low-cholesterol Pesach recipes). Low-cholesterol Passover recipes can be somewhat of a challenge to create, but the following recipes manage to be healthy for the cholesterol levels and are tasty at the same time! The following low-cholesterol Passover recipes include both traditional and non-traditional recipes from different Jewish communities worldwide.


Artichokes : Stuffed Artichokes (Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol, from Spain)
Fish Salad : Mediterranean Marinated Fish Salad (Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol)
Fruit with Matzo : Fresh Fruits with Matzo Dipped in Chocolate Sauce
Matzo Balls : Chicken Matzo Balls
Matzo Balls (Low-Cholesterol) with Chicken Broth (Low-Fat)
Roasted Turkey with Matzo Stuffing
Steamed Vegetables (Chilled) in Low-Oil Vinaigrette Dressing
Tzimmes or Tsimmes : Vegetarian Tzimmes
Tagine or Tajine : Fish Tagine with Tomatoes, Potatoes and Peppers (From Morocco)

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