What is Shemini Atzeret ?
Shemini Atzeret means "The Eighth Day of Solemn Assembly" in Hebrew. What does this mean? Shemini Atzeret is the eighth day after the beginning of the seven-day festival of Sukkot. Although it occurs on the day following the final day of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret is considered as a separate holiday from the festival of Sukkot.
Shemini Atzeret : Many Transliterations
Shemini Atzeret is transliterated in different ways from Hebrew into English: one can spell the words either Shemini Atzeret, Shemini Azeret, Shimini Atzeret, or Shimini Azeret, but Shemini Atzeret is the most common transliterated form.
What is the origin for celebrating Shemini Atzeret ?
The origin or source for celebrating the day of Shemini Atzeret comes from the biblical book of Vayikra or Leviticus, in Vayikra or Leviticus 23:36, where G-d says: "For seven days (referring to the festival of Sukkot, which is mentioned in the previous two verses, in Vayikra or Leviticus 23:34-35) then, you shall present a fire offering to G-d. The eighth day (the day of Shemini Atzeret) is a sacred holiday to you when you shall bring a fire offering to G-d. It is a time of retreat when you may do no service work...".
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