Chol Hamoed Sukkot or Hol Ha-Moed Sukkot

The Chol Hamoed days of Sukkot, meaning the remaining days of Sukkot beyond the "full" holiday or festival day (which is the first day for Jews living in Israel and for Reform Jews) or beyond the first two days of Sukkot (for Jews living outside Israel) also have their own customs. The Chol Hamoed days of Sukkot for Jews living in Israel as well as for Reform Jews are from the second day of Sukkot through the seventh day of Sukkot inclusive while for Jews living outside Israel, the Chol Hamoed days of Sukkot are from the third day of Sukkot through the seventh day of Sukkot inclusive. Halakhah, or Jewish religious law considers these days to be more than regular weekdays but less than "full" holidays (meaning festival days where the full application of Jewish religious law for Sukkot is observed), hence the term "half-holidays". Furthermore, only work that is needed for sustaining oneself physically, and work that relates to the festival of Sukkot are permitted, and anything that interferes with one's relaxation and enjoyment of the festival of Sukkot is not permitted. This includes conducting business activities, strenuous work, doing the laundry, ironing clothes, mending clothes, and the like. Observant Jews will treat Chol Hamoed days like a vacation, visiting other people or families in their Sukkahs, eating nicer meals than usual in their own Sukkah, going on family outings, and entertaining guests in their Sukkah.

More Sukkot Information

What is Sukkot ?
When is Sukkot ?
Sukkot E-Cards
Customs of Sukkot
Sukkah or Succah
Sukkot Readings From Scripture
Hol HaMoed Sukkot

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