Sukkot Customs

The festival of Sukkot has a number of customs. The Four Species, Hoshanot, and Simchat Beit HaShoeivah are customs of Sukkot that relate to the importance of water in relation to life, while Ushpizin and Ushpiziyot reflect the feeling of joyfulness of the festival being shared with others.

The customs of Sukkot, like the rituals for all the other Jewish holidays, represent physical manifestations of specific historical events in addition to the meanings of those events in Jewish history.

Customs of Sukkot

Sukkot Customs #1: The Four Species
Sukkot Customs #2: Hoshanot
Sukkot Customs #3: Simchat Beith HaShoeivah
Sukkot Customs #4: Ushpizin
Sukkot Customs #5: Ushpiziyot

More Sukkot Information

What is Sukkot ?
When is Sukkot ?
Sukkot E-Cards
Customs of Sukkot
Sukkah or Succah
Sukkot Readings From Scripture
Hol HaMoed Sukkot

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