What is Simchat Beith Ha-Shoeivah ?

Simchat Beit Ha-Shoeivah, Simchah Beit Ha-Shoeivah, Simchat Beth Ha-Shoeiva, Simchas Beis Ha-Shoeivah, or Simhat Beit Ha-Shoeivah (literally meaning: "the rejoicing of the water-drawing" or "Rejoicing at the Place of the Water-Drawing" in Hebrew) - on every morning of Sukkot, in Temple times, a "Nisuch Ha-Mayim", literally meaning "pouring of the water" in Hebrew, took place. This ceremony was also known as the water-libation ceremony. According to the Talmud, on every Sukkot, G-d judges the world for rainfall, and so the purpose of this ceremony is to invokes G-d's blessing for rain in its proper time. In Temple times, this ceremony included dancing and singing songs of praise to G-d by the most pious members of the community. The dancers would carry lighted torches, and were accompanied by the harps, lyres, cymbals and trumpets of the Levites. Today, people gather either in a synagogue, yeshiva (Jewish academy of learning), or place of study to listen to music, dance, and enjoy refreshments, usually in the adjoining Sukkah. There are usually live bands along with the dancers, and the ceremony usually begins late at night, and lasts well into the night.

When does Simchat Beit Ha-Shoeivah occur on Sukkot ?

Simchat Beit Ha-Shoeivah occurs on the first day of the seven-day festival of Sukkot.

Customs of Sukkot

The Four Species
Simchat Beith HaShoeivah

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When is Sukkot ?
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Customs of Sukkot
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