Ushpiziyot or Ushpizziyot (spiritual women "guests" in Aramaic) - inviting seven spiritual women as spiritual guests in the Sukkah in addition to the seven spiritual men. In the following order, they are: Sarah (Abraham's wife), Rebekah (Isaac's wife), Rachel (one of Jacob/Israel's wives), Leah (the other wife of Jacob/Israel), Miriyam (sister of Moses and Aaron), Deborah (the prophet), and Esther (heroine of the story of Purim and the saving of the Persian Jews from annihilation at the hands of Haman, the evil minister of the King of Persia at that time, King Ahasuerus or Ahashverosh, also known as King Xerxes I of Persia).

Customs of Sukkot

The Four Species
Simchat Beith HaShoeivah

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