When was the first Valentine's Day Card Sent ?

The first Valentine's Day card was sent in 1415 when Charles, Duke of Orleans, who at the time was imprisoned in the tower of London, sent his wife a profession of his love in a letter on February 14th. His letter is considered the first Valentine card.

Since then, Valentine cards have been decorated with many items all in order to profess one's love to the receiver. These days, however, you can send fabulous Valentine's Day cards or Valentines Day cards in the form of Valentine's Day ecards or Valentines Day ecards to your loved one, friend (whether single or not), co-worker (same as just mentioned), acquaintance (ditto as before), mistress or mistresses (male or female), local politician, the leader of your religious congregation (perhaps that shouldn't have been mentioned so close to the previous two suggestions), enemy (to hopefully start on the road to being friends), to your pet (be it a dog, cat, fish; in this life or in spirit), psychologist, psychiatrist (and to their psychologist or psychiatrist; geez, you think they wouldn't need one after hearing everyone's issues every day?), lawyer (to hopefully charge less in the future, hint, hint), accountant (for great tax tips), stock broker (insider tips perhaps?), and anyone else on your to-do list for sending a Valentines Day Card in the form of a Valentines Day ecard.

Valentine cards in the form of Valentine e-cards are the quick and easy way to beam that personal message over to that special one you're thinking about, at least on February 14th, hopefully longer than that.

Valentine's Day cards or Valentine's Day ecards, also popularly known as "Singles Awareness Day" cards or "Singles Awareness Day" ecards, can get you on the good side of a variety of people in a hurry, Just be sure to come up with a great message tailored to that special someone or something. For singles, keep a good-humored attitude on this day; although there are 86,400 seconds in a day, and 1,440 minutes in a day, think in terms of Valentine's Day being either 24 hours or two sets of 12 hours. You'll get by. Because the secret to being eternally happy is in fact to start with loving the unique creation that you are, which makes you a rare breed indeed and inherently worthy from birth to death, with that worthiness never changing one iota, no matter what anyone says, and no one can take that away from you, period. So start by sending a Valentine's Day card or Valentine's Day ecard to yourself and allow yourself to feel good about what you write about yourself (make sure it's something good now!). For couples, a simple message: keep the faith (in the marriage, that is).

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