The Internet

Some Definitions

A network
Two or more computers that are interconnected to communicate with one another
Diagram that simplistically depicts a network between two computers.
The Internet
A network of networks worldwide
An intranet
A network that is self-contained - there is no connection to the rest of the world
An internet
A network of networks but not worldwide
A major network cable - like the interstate highway system
A set of rules - a way of doing things
Computers need mutual rules to communicate
Some Example protocols
  • ftp - rules to transfer files
  • mailto - rules to send e-mail
  • NCP - network control protocol (rules for formatting, ordering, and error-checking)
  • TCP/IP - rules to send data packets (info is broken down into numbered packets that get reassembled once they reach their destination; if all data does not reach the destination, then the entire data is resent
    • TCP - rules for computers to make & break connections
    • IP - rules for routing individual packets
  • http - rules for hypertext transfer
  • WWW
    World Wide Web
    HyperText Markup Language that's interpreted by browser
    A browser
    A program that interprets files that have HTML embedded (inserted) in the document
    Graphical User Interface (a browser offers an interface between the user and the computer that is visual in nature - the use of icons, scrollbars, menus, etc. are offered)

    Diagram that depicts that the Internet is made up of E-mail, the World Wide Web, Newsgroups, and other resources.

    Internet's Resource


    Note: Now wireless systems are available - radio frequency / satellite

    Diagram that depicts that the connection between a client computer and an ISP. Modems are used to convert digital signals to analog signals and also analog signals to digital signals.

    Brief History

    Using the World Wide Web

    Use of a Browser

    Diagram that depicts that the outcome of using the back and forward buttons of a Web browser.