Fireworks Assignment #1
Follow your textbook's instructions on pages 69 and 70 to produce a caterpillar similar to the one on page 69 or similar to the one I've created and shown to the right. Use the text tool to display the title "Peirce Rocks" on the textbook. Practice duplicating, resizing, distorting, etc. Groom as many skills as you can to be prepared for more advanced projects later in the course.
Note: The black border is NOT part of the graphic.
Please add a copyright to your graphic that includes your name. Use the text tool. The © symbol can be created using the ALT key with 0-1-6-9 on the numeric keypad of your keyboard.
Create a second graphic that's similar to the one shown to the right. The caterpillar in this second graphic should be identical to the one drawn in the previous graphic except for its size.
Note: The black border is NOT part of the graphic.
Note: The inner gray shape on the turtle's shell should be the same shape as the black shape on the turtle's shell.
Please add a copyright to your graphic that includes your name. Use the text tool. The © symbol can be created using the ALT key with 0-1-6-9 on the numeric keypad of your keyboard.
Due: Monday, September 16, 2002 at 1:00 PM. Please turn this project in on a floppy. Submit 2 .png files and 2 .gif files.
Copyright © 2002, RGPatterson, all rights reserved; last revised: 9/8/02