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House Laws

Article I

The Houshold's High Council Body is made up of the Second in Command, Third in Command, Fourth in Command, and the Division Leaders.

A single High Council Body will serve to resolve petty Household squabbles, problems, and other issues. In the absence of the High Council Body (HCB), the Matriach will deal with such matters. The same HCB will serve as advisors to the Clan Head. In the absence of the Matriach, the HCB is responsible for the Household and all affairs until the Matriach returns. The Matriach will notify the HCB and Household of any foreseen absences.

The Matriach should only be asked to intervene when a problem impacts on the overall health of the Household.

The Matriach is last and final law on all Household matters.

Problems or concerns faced by Household members are to be handled in the following manner: The parties involved must try to resolve the issue themselves first. If this is not possible, they must take the issue up with their division commander. If still at this level they are unable to resolve the issue, they must take it to the HCB. If at this point the issue remains unresolved, the Matriach will become involved.

OOC: Rank with in the Household is not based on dice or exps. Rank is based on an individual's skills, dedication to the House, leadership abilities, and going beyond the call of duty to serve the House.

Each division within the House has its own DC and under the DC is the Division Leader (DL) who takes over the division in the absence of the DC.


Article II

General Household Provisions

I. Both the forum charter and the household laws will be observed.

II. Respect must be shown to all household members at all times (rude, aggressive, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated). Household members is not only limited to actual members but extends to the creatures that inhabit Stonehaven, the imps among a few.

III. Household members are not to actively seek fights or problems with other organizations. Only in cases of self-defense may one employ force with outsiders . Fighting for training is allowed and expected.

IV. All decisions of the Matriach and HCB are to be upheld and respected. If there is disagreement over a decision, an appeal can be made. Appeals should be made in the following manner:

a) a letter should be sent to the Matriach and HCB;
b) the letter should outline the reasons for the disagreement;
c) letter should include the a copy of the policy/stipulation that you are questioning and your reasons.

After the Matriach and HCB meet to discuss the appeal, a meeting will be scheduled with with you, the Matriach, and HCB.

V. It is expected that all household members are mature enough to resolve their own problems/issues. Only if the problem/ issue cannot be resolved or affects the Household, the Matriach and/or HCB step in. Issues and problems may be resolved by a Honor Match (HM) with two household members in good standing -- who are impartial serving as witness. The HM should be ecored (logged) to avoid further dispute and sent to the Matriach and/or HCB. In order for a HM to be valid, the terms must be stated clearly and the consquences there after. It must be done in accordance with the forum's rules. A proctor is needed to ensure that the match is fought clean and is fair.

VI. Violation of all or any household laws will result in either expulsion/suspension from the House or a demotion in rank.

VII. Household traitors will be dealt with by a trial. If found guilty, they face: expulsion and forfeiture of rank, titles, and possessions. Depending on seriousness of charge, individual may be marked for death or blood hunt if Kindred. Procedures for trials are as follow:

a) the defendant has the right to present any evidence such as witnesses or memory orbs (logs) to make their case;
b) the opposing party as the right to present any evidence to make their case against the defendant;
c) the defendant has the right to trial by his peers (the Family);
d) the final decision of the Matriach and HCB will be final.

VIII. All matches such as HMs; Death Matches (DMs); Slave Matches (Sms); Release Matches (RMs); and others stated in the CR Charter should be fought in the presence of a certified impartial proctor. It's highly stressed that the one fighting the match should have at least one witness from the clan for their own benefit.

IX. All DMs must first be approved and consulted with Matriach and/or HCB.

X. Those household members who belong to other organizations may be excused of House duties in times of danger such as war and other emergencies. A written request must be made to the Matriach and/or HCB requesting a "leave of absence" with an explanation for the request of absence and duration of it.

XI. All those who wish to join the Household must undergo a two month probation period during which a Ascension Conclave Application must be completed and approved/reviewed by the Matriach and/or HCB. During this two month period, the new clan member can be dropped from the Household with justification.

XII. Outsiders are not be invited into Household chambers, rooms, affairs, and domain. You may have visitors in your private quarters or in other places outside the household's official domain.

XIII. House rosters, documents. and portals (links to PRs) are not to be given to outsiders. Handing out confidential household information is an act of treason.

XIV. All House business (official, unofficial, and personal) is to remain with in the household.

XV. Hospitality: members are to respect each other's private domain (whether private quarters; chambers; homes; and other private environments) with in and outside the clan domain. Members must ask permission to enter the private domain of another member.( OOC: You may not save a link to another member's PR without first asking their permission to do so.) Once in that member's private domain, full respect must be shown. All are masters in their own homes or private domains outside and within the clan.

XVI. Household members are to be at the House's disposal at all times. There is never a time when this is not true. If you are needed and are summoned you will show up. If unable to attend upon being called, you must justify your absence by sending a notice to the Matriach and/or HCB.

XVII. All Division Commanders ( DCs) are responsible for their own divisions and members. It's the responsibility of section leaders to maintain their individual divisions in order and in shape. The Matriach and/or HCB will interfere if a division is in disarray or if a section leader is not living up to their individual responsibilities and mismanaging their division.

XVIII. Any one not reading and thrashing (deleting) House related mail three times in a row will be dropped from the House membership.

XIX. Any one who belongs to order organizations is to keep all House information confidential.

XX. Household members may not DM agaisnt one anoher. Killing, placing Assassinatin Contracts against a household member, and plotting murder are grounds for execution. These acts are considered treason.

XXI. Household members will train in the art of self defense. We live in a savage garden and all should be able to stand on their own with out the presence of their sentinels (body guards). Sentinels cannot protect their charges 24 hours a day. Non-combatents are also under the forum's rules and are open as are other forum citizens to Assassination Attempts.


Article IV

Caretakers of Souls

Those that are skilled in removing curses, devamping individuals, raising the dead, doing exorcisms, and perform all sorts of religious services. Priest (esses) can be of any denomination, alignment, or religion.

I. The DC of this division is the Household's Spiritiual Advisor.

II. The Spiritual Advisor will keep all information that is reveal to him/her confidential.

III. Care Takers of the Soul are responsible for the over all spiritual health of the Household.

IV. Care Takers of the Soul may not be Assassins or other trades that might come into ideological conflict with the nature of their work.

V. Care Takers of the Soul are free to practice any religious ideology as long as they do not impose it on others.

VI. Care Takers of the Soul are responsible for maintaining the Keep's various chapels with in the Keep and on its grounds.


Article V


Those that persude aesthetic pleasures. These would included bards, musicians, painters, singers, dancers, story tellers, etc. etc.

I. Creators are members of the Household's artistic communtiy.

II. The House is patron to these artistic individuals providing a safe environment where they made enhance and practice each of their distinctive art forms.

III. Any enhancements that they wish to do upon the Keep, must be first clearified with the Matriach.

IV. By art is meant any of the following specialities but not limited to:

A) Metal Forging;

B) Visual Arts

C) Sculpture;

D) Poetry;

E) Dancing;

F) Glass Works;

G) Painting

V. The DC of the Creators is responsible for maintaining the Keep's extensive collection of art and antiquities and adding to the Keep's extensive collections.

VI. The DC of the Creators is also responsible for maintaining the various art studios with in the Keep and with in its grounds and precuring any supplies Creators might need.


Article VI

Daemonic Inflitrators Provisions

These are individuals that are mercenaries, assassins, thieves, and informants. They are the ones who do the "dirty work" no one wants to do. These individuals must keep a low profile.

I. Members of this division will not identifiy their role with in the household. They will only identify themselves as mercenaries.

II. Only the Division Commander and Matriach will know who is an Assassin, Thief, and or Informant.

III. Individuals in this division are not above the House Laws and Forum Laws.

IV. Assassins may not accept conctracts against Household members. Accepting a contract will result in suspension from the Household. Assassinating a Household member will result in death.

V. Informants may not spy on Household members. Exceptions to this rule will be made in if there is suspecion that there is a traitor with in the Household.

VI. Thieves may not steal from Household members.


Article VII


These are the ambassors for the House with in the known and outter realms.

I. Handle negotiations between guilds and other parties.

II. Help with the drawing up of treaties wether in times of war or in yimes of peace with other organizations.

III. Responsible for keeping the Matriach and HCB informed of current political movements (other forums) that might impact on the House's welfare.

IV. The nature of work that Emissaries deal with is of a highly confidential nature and must keep confidential. Any violation of confidentiality or divulging of House secrets will result in a dishonorable expulsion from the House with the lost of all prestiage (dice, exps, and gps) and rank.


Article VIII

Enforcers Provisions

Those that help uphold the household laws. Members of this group must not only be knowledgable in the laws that govern the household but the laws of the CR. They help settle disputes among household members; however, they are not above the household laws and are under the household high council. This division is limited to five members who undergo a rigorous interview process and training.

I. Enforcers maintain the household laws.

II. They are under the supervision and leadership of the Household Justicar.

III. They report to the Justicar with any complaints of members breaking Household laws.

IV. The Justicar will step in to resolve any issues.

V. The resolution of problems involving any Household members that are violating Household rules is as follows:

a) Justicar and party in question will meet;
b) Justicar will bring the charges to the attention of the party in question;
c) Any evidence will be reviewed and presented;
d) Justicar will remind the party in question of the House Laws;
e) Pary in question will be given a mun week to improve their behavior; f) if another complaint is brought to the attention of the Justica involving the same individual, the Matriach and/or HBC will meet and depending on the charges and level of disruption the individual in question may be suspended of expelled from the Household.

VI. The Justicar and Enforcers are not aboe the House Laws and Forum Laws.


Article IX


Those that persude intellectual pleasures and knowledge. These would included scribes, teachers, scientists, etc. etc.

I. Members of the Intelligentsia are the care takers of knowledge with in the Houshold.

II. The DC leader of the Intelligentsia is responsible for maintianing the Keep's vast collection of tomes, relics, and antiquities.

III. Members of the Intelligentsia are include the following but not limited to:

A) Antiquarians;
B) Archeologists;
C) Historians;
D) Linguists

IV. Intelligentsia members are responsible for precuring occult and forbidden knownledge with the intention of furthering the House's power.

VI. Intelligentsia members are responsible for helping individual Household members with any requests from the library or that involved specific knowledge.


Article X

Kindred Provisions Provisions

*** Neonates are vampires that have been released from their Sire's side and have been introduced to the Prince and into Kindred Society. Childer is the plural form of Childe and is often used as a derogratory term for a young, inexperience vampire. The preffered term to use for a newly sired vampire is fledgling. WW:Vampire the Masquerade, 1997. ***

I. If you are Kindred (Vampire ), caution should be used in embracing. If embracing someone outside the clan, you must keep that area of your life from interferring with the clan or with your role with in the clan. If problems arise due to this, you can face expulsion or suspension from the clan.We recommend being selective of your fledgling, as uncontrollable fledglings can land one in much trouble, both inside the clan and out. The Sire is responsible for the conduct and behavior of their progeny with in the household unless they release them from fledgling status to neonates status with in Kindred Society.

II. If a fledgling wishes to join the House, the fledgling must pass the clan's entrance requirements.

III. Sires are held responsible and accountable for the behavior of their fledgling. They are expected to keep their fledgling in line and in accordance with House laws. This only applies for fledglings who are clan members. If not the clan head and council body will step in to remedy the situation or who intervene in household matters. If your fledgling feeds upon someone that a member has asked not be fed upon/embraced, it falls upon you as well. If not the CH and HCB will step in to remedy the situation.

IV. Both Sire and Fledgling will follow House Laws, CR Laws, and Caine's Laws.

V. Respect must also be given to the others, no feeding of your family unless it is volunteered, no embracing without the other's allowance. Likewise, those non-vampire of the House are not to take action against vampiric members. This is your family, treat everyone as your brother or sister. If you are asked not to feed of another, observe and respect this wish. The exception of course being frivolus or silly (which would basically fall to not feeding of anyone.) reasonable requests, such as not feeding of loved ones, friends, or in that person's presence, will be followed.

Ignoring this simple kindness can lead to expulsion, suspension, or otherwise.

VI. Caine's Laws:

a) Thou shalt not slay thy sire and drink his/her heart's blood [diablerie --- meaning taking the power of one's sire].

b) Thou shalt hold the eldest among you as Lord/Mistress [meaning respect for elders].

c) Thou shalt honor each other's House.

d) Thou shalt honor each other's Domain.

e) Honor another's Progeny.

f) Honor always your Sire.

g) Thou shalt teach your Progeny the ways of the Kindred.

h) Thou shalt not feed of the Moon - Beasts [Fae/Garou/Werewolf], the Wild Ones, the diseased, the insane, or the drunken.

i) Thou shalt not Embrace without your Sire's consent.

**** Taken from WW: Vampire the Masquerade (1997) and WW: The Book of Nod (1993) *****


Article XI

Mage Provisions

Mages are those that wield the power of magic/socery. Mages can be of any aligment and or discipline (eg.; necromancers, enchanters, shamans, illusionists, daemontalogists, and ect. ect.). Note mages do not use weapons in combat but only their disciplines or powers. Warrior Mages are those who both wield the power of magic/sorcery and are skilled in hand to hand combat/arms (weapons).

I. Mages are lead by the Household's Arch Mage.

II. The Arch Mage's responsibility is to monitor members of this division , both mages and warrior mages. The Ach Mage will supervise the DL , one for the mages and one for the warrior mages, and helping out as needed.

III. The Arch Mage is responsible for keeping the Household's mages up to date on any new developments in the realm of magic and training.

IV. The Arch Mage is responsible for maintaining the Keep's vast library of magical tomes in order and expanding it ---- part of this responsibility extends to the maintaining of magical items.

VI. Division Leaders are responsible for resolving any concerns or problems faced by their division members. They will settle any disputes and communicate the needs and concerns of their division members to the Arh Mage. Division Leaders are also responsible for the training of their division members.

VII. The Arch Mage will report any important issues to the Matriach and HCB.

VIII. Mages are divided into two categories with in the Household:

Mages: individuals that use magic or powers with out the use of weapons
Warrior Mages: individuals that use magic or powers with the use of weapons.

Those of these two classes fall under seperate deputy and division commanders, who answer to the Arch Mage, who reports to the Matriach and HCB.

XI. All mages upon recruitment should decide upon their specific area of work, this being dealt with through the Minister of Magery (once the magister is enforced.) The reason of this being that it would be disruptive to have massive amounts of uncontrolled magical talent, which by it's nature is contradictory.

XII. OOC: All mages are encouraged to show knowledge of spell casting in an role playing environment. Such as #Inferno# followed by effect, or ::Casts the spell of inferno, sending sheets of blazing flames tearing from his body:: Those who cannot do this, will simply be taught, but are not to practice magic until then.

XIII. In the event that anything happens to the Arch Mage, all mages within the House are encouraged to give a short essay of the arts of magic, how it works, what it means to them, their understanding of it, etc. This proves who is more knowledgeable of the post they seek, a necessary knowledge. The candidates will be tested on skill and knowledge by the Matriach and/or HCB.

XIV. DLs are expected to make occasional checks upon their ranks. They are your responsibility, and why you have this rank.

Failing to do this at least monthly will result in demotion and ascenscion of a new DL, as chosen by the Arch Mage and or the Matriach and/or HCB.

XV. The Arch Mage will do monthly check ins with the DCs.

XVI. Refer to the CR Charter for further provisions govering those who weild magic in the forum. ( Crystal Realms- Mages and Magic ).

XVII. Mages cannot use their powers or magic against members of the Household.


Article XII


Those that are skilled and knowledgeable in the procedures govering matches and combat. These individuals must undergo the Loriel Proctors Training or provide proof that are indeed certified proctors.

I. All Household Proctors must be certified with in the Forum and have an official forum license.

II. The DC of the Proctors is responsible for ensuring that members are lincensed with in the Forum and are knowledgable with the various laws that govern the various mode of combat.

III. Proctors may be trained by the DC of Proctors to receive a proctoring license. A memory orb (log) must be turned into the Matriach for verification. Proctors may also receive training from the Wardens of Loriel. They must provide a memory orb and/or cerficate of course completion.

IV. Proctors who accept bribes to fix matches including Mass Spars will have their license with in the Household revoked and reported to the Forum Minister of Internal Affairs and/or Forum Warden.


Article XIII

Regeneraters Provisions

Those that posse skills/knowledge of curing diseases, ailements, and the body.

I. Be sure to log ANY and ALL healings, without a memory orb (log) you will have no proof of your work snd cannot gain prestige (mexps). OOC: On the Subject heading of the Email the following information: your SN; CR Healing; subject; dice; and exps earned.

II. OOC: Keep track of all your healing experience (Mexps) and place it on your profile as well as your healing dice, which must follow the table outlined in the CR Charter.Your fighting mexp's MUST be kept separate, or your healing dice and healing mexp's will not be legal.

III. Send all healing memory orbs to head of the healer division,but ALWAYS RETAIN A COPY FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS IN CASE OF AN AUDIT. The Head Regenerater will only review logs to award Mexp's, but will not hold the log indefinitely.

IV. Do not hesitate to perform healings on people other than CR/Ascension Conclave members, just retain the memory orb afterwards

V. If in the realm, any healer must be ready to come to do a healing on request, or as soon as the current situation allows. we will not tolerate healers unwilling to do their jobs. If unable to perform a healing , refer the individual to another healer that is in the realms.

VI. Keep the Healing Charter handy at all times to reference your points gained after a healing, in this way, we will avoid mistakes made on profiles. ( Crystal Realms- Healing )

VII. The DC of the Regeneraters is responsible for maintaining the Keep's Infirmary order and maintaining the Keep's Apothecary well stocked.

VIII. Regeneraters will work closely with the Keep's healing imps in tending the herbal gardens and adding to the Keep's extensive knowledge of medicine both supernatural, magical, and natural.


Article XIV

Sentinels Provisions

Those that serve to protect individual household members or the household.

I. Duty is to protect, defend, and safe guard the charge (one a body guard serves) from harm and injury.

II. Sentinels can only serve one charge at a time. A special provision can be made in special circumstances for a sentinel to serve two charges. A sentinel can only have a maximum of two charges at any given time . An exception will be made for those who serve to safe guard the entire Household offering to body guard the entire family.

III. A sentinel chooses when his/her services are needed whether the charge thinks so or not. Sentinels are not the personal servants or slaves of the charges they serve. Their duty is to protect and interfere when they feel their charge's behavior is dangerous or self-injurious.

IV. Sentinels must be ready at a moment's notice to come to their charge's side. This means dropping whatever business a sentinel was tending to providing there is just cause for the summons.

V. Sentinels are to keep their personal life separate from their duties. Sentinels and charges are forbidden from engaging in romantic relationships with one another. Anyone found violating this by law will be reassigned.

VI. If problems arise between a sentinel and a charge, they must first try to resolve the issue themselves. If they cannot resolve the issue or problem. They may take up counsel with the Head of the Sentinels. If the problem is not resolved by the Head of the Sentinels, the parties involved must go forward to the Matriach and/or Council Body.

VII. Charges are not to openly seek fights or engage in combat. Fighting or combat for self - defense purposes is permitted. Sparring for training is permitted


Article XV


I. SMing is not looked upon kindly with in the House but is tolerated in accordance with the CR Charter.

II. Any houehold member fighting a SM "cannot" state in the terms for the match "life time servitude".

III. All terms of a SM must be clearly stated and must clearly state the lenght of time for servitude and type of servitude.

IV. Be forewarned that dice for slaves with in the CR Forum are at 1d+. This means that if you lose a SM, your dice will go down to 1d+ (eg., your normal dice are 4d89 and you lose a SM; therefore, your dice will be 1d89 for the length of your slavery term.). This does not apply if you are a body guard, you then keep your normal dice.

V. If you win a SM, you must follow the CR Forum Charter Stipulations on slavery and TOS rules. Sexually explicit, lewd, or vulgar behivior in public will not be tolerated. Keep such behavior to a PR. ( Crystal Realms- Slaves and Slavers ).

VI. Housemembers may not SM each other. A violation of this will result in a temporary suspension from the House.


Article XVI


Those that instruct others in the art of sparring or self defense.

I. Trainers are responsible for teaching the art of self-defense to Household members.

II. The DC of the trainers is responsible for keeping trainers and Household members informed of any new forms of one on one combat with and with out weapons.

III. Trainers are responsible for maintaining the Keep's arena in good condition.

IV. Traning is not to be brutal or sadistic. Any trainer found pushing a trainee beyond their limits and using excessive force in training will be suspended.


Article XVII

Warrior Provisions

Those that are experience in the art of warfare and weapons. They are not mages. They survive by their cunning and skills in combat to survive.

The Warrior Division will be ran on a merit based system, merit points being awarded for good deeds, and demerits given for bad conduct. Those attaining high merits will be granted rewards, while those getting demerits will be penalized in an appropriate manner.

I. All warriors should be available for muster at all times. Any Warrior who fails to make a muster having been given reasonable notice will receive demerits dependent on what excuse they are able to give for their absence.

II. Nae warrior is to partake in any offensive action against any other person without prior orders, practice spars excepted.

IV. All warriors are to go to the defense of any household member who requests aid.

V. As stated in the Household laws, nae warrior is to DM without consultation from the Matriach and/or HCB.

VI. It is the duty of all warriors to attempt to free (via RM ~ Release Match) any Household member who has become the slave through a SM. OOC: If attempting to free someone from a Slave Attempt or Kolaring Attempt or Forced Collaring double check that this was not mun consentual and is not part of a story line, doing this will save you and your character alot of grief.

VII. Any warrior with a grievance against another and wishes to resolve the matter through an HM may do so in the correct manner as detailed in the Household aws . If this HM is to be with a Household member outside the warrior division then approval for the HM must first be sought from the Division Head.

VIII. In matters of war or combat, the Warrior Head Command's decisions and orders are to be accepted without question.

IX. The appointed deputy to the Division Leader has full executive power as Warrior Head in the DC's absence.

X. All warriors are expected to uphold ALL of the House Laws and Forum Laws, and help in 'policing' them amongst the Division.


Article XVIII

Creation of New Household Divisions

I. The House is always evolving and open to the creation of new divisions with in the existing ranks when ever the need arises.

II. In order for a new division to be created the following must be followed:

A) A petition must be made to the Matriach and HCB;
B) Petition must include a clear outline of the division's purpose, internal structure, and how it will benefit the House;
C) Matriach and HCB will convene to discuse the petition and vote on it;
D) Petitioner will be notified of decision;
E) If accepted, petitioner will have a month to get division going during with time petitioner will provide written guidelines to the Matriach and HCB that will govern the division. These guidelines are subject to House approval.

III. Any new divisions will be in complaince with the Household Laws and Forum Laws as well as the House's purpose.

Article Article IX

Non-Combatent and Free Form Player Provisions

*** Non-Combatent and Free Form Players are those that do not hold any dice or earn exps. They can earn gps. ***

I. Non-combatent or Free Form based players are still accountable under the CR charter and Household laws.

II. Non-combatent or Free Form based players are not exampt from Assassination Attempts, Kidnapping Attempts, and Theft Attempts.

III. Non-combatent or Free Form based players can only use dice no higher than d20.

IV. Non-combatent or Free Form based players may have body guards and all rights under the CR and Household.

VI. Non-combatents include children and infants.

(©All concepts and any other related materials, other than those listed below, utilized on this and the following web pages used with the express permission of, and copyrighted to G. Blessing B. 1990. No materials may be copied and/or published in any way, shape or form.)

**Note: Dagger image copyrighted to Jeanne Kalogridis, Author of Lord of the Vampires: The Diaries of the Family Dracul, 1996**

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