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The Matriach is responsible for over seeing the day to day management of the Household, making any important decisions, safe guarding the welfare and well being of the Household.

Responsible for representing the needs of the House in the forum

The Matriach is the Final Voice and Law in all Household affairs

Household High Council

Second in Command


Over see the management of the Hoousehold in the absence of the Matriach

Responsibility of making any executive decisions that might be needed in the absence of the Matriach and/or as needed

Third in Command


Reviewing all cover sheets for accuracy and any possible inregularities

Maintinaing Household records ( exp and gp pool )

Maintaining the Household registary

Handing out exps and gps from the House's pool as indicated by the Matriach

Responsible for sending out the biweekly House rosters

Responsible for informing House members of any irregularities in their life scrolls

High Chancellor (Fourth in Command)


Responsible for making sure that the Elders with in the Household follow the forum laws in regards to Elders and do not abuse their special priviledge

Responsible for working with the Household Division Commanders to help ensure that their concerns are deal with in a timely manner

** Ancients/Elders are creatures 800 years of age or older. **

Division Leaders


Maintaining their respective divisions in order and in compliance with House Laws and Forum Laws

Handling concerns and problems of dvision members

Training division members

Reporting concerns to the Matriach and High Council Members

*** Household members have a voice with in the affairs of the House and may approach the High Council Members and Matriach freely with questions and concerns. The Matriach and High Council Members are not above or removed from the Household and it's laws. ***

Acronyms: M= Matriach; HCB = High Council Body; DC = Division Commander; DL = Division Leader

(ŠAll concepts and any other related materials, other than those listed below, utilized on this and the following web pages used with the express permission of, and copyrighted to G. Blessing B. 1990. No materials may be copied and/or published in any way, shape or form.)

**Note: Dagger image copyrighted to Jeanne Kalogridis, Author of Lord of the Vampires: The Diaries of the Family Dracul, 1996**

The Ascension Conclave

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