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Crystal Realms- Assassins

This is our section on assassinations. We have noticed that in the past, in the known realms, AA's had become rather frequent, and lost all meaning. In addition, some were being performed for reasons that did not call for such measures. We will strive to refrain from allowing such chaos to erupt here.

When the assassin walks into the room, he has to make sure that the target is in the room, and active (not AFK). He must obtain three (3) lines of the subject talking or moving on the log before he makes the AA known. The Assassin MUST RP the assassination (none of this: ::stabs XXmanXX and runs out::). The statement must have the following:

1. The Forum Name
2. The Target's Name
3. The Assassins name
4. The number of hits needed to kill the Target
5. The dice needed to roll perception
6. The time and that the target has two minutes to roll perception.
7. The method of kill
8. The Contract #
Here is an example AA:

QuikMoon: ::walks in and scans the room::
DireTimes: ..nods..hello
QuikMoon: ::smiles a bit:: Hello, you the tender?
DireTimes: I was just about to have a drink, will you join me?
QuikMoon: Sure, what are you drinking?
DireTimes: nea there is nea a tender..::hands him a goblet of Ale::
QuikMoon: ::walks over and grabs the Ale and sits beside him::
QuikMoon: Thanks
DireTimes: ::sits down on the stones close to the fire::
DireTimes: ye are welcome
QuikMoon: ((CR AA on DireTimes..Assassin:QuikMoon. Hits to kill: 14))((Contract#0001QA)
QuikMoon: ((BGs State Name). (Method of AA: ::While reaching over to grab a napkin, he sticks him with a poisoned needle))
DireTimes: ::takes a drink of his Ale.. so what brings ye this way?
QuikMoon: Time is 11:23pm EST...You have two minutes to roll a 2d20 perception.))
Dire Times: ((No BGs))
QuikMoon: ::shrugs:: just passing by
OnlineHost: DireTimes rolled 2 20-sided dice: 1 11
QuikMoon: ::sips his drink::
QuikMoon: ((Perception Failed))
DireTimes: ::nods and reaches out his hand to shake:: I am Aetees
QuikMoon: ::shakes his hand:: I'm QuickMoon, nice to meet you Aetees
QuikMoon: ::takes another sip::
QuikMoon: ::sets his goblet down and reaches for a napkin on the other side of Aetees::
OnlineHost: QuikMoon rolled 2 62-sided dice: 39 24
QuikMoon: ((AA failed. Target can fight or flee))
DireTimes: {flee}
DireTimes: ::jerks back away from Quik, dropping his drink as he stands::
DireTimes: ::what the heck is your problem?
QuikMoon: ::wipes off the excess drink from his mouth::
DireTimes: ::leaps across the hearth and runs out the door::
QuikMoon: ::conceals the needle by sliding it up his sleeve::
QuikMoon: ::watches in amazement::
QuikMoon: ::shrugs and sips his drink::

**What we have done is make the Assassin state the method of attack OOC before he tells the target to roll perception OOC. This gives the RP more flow and helps both the Assassin and Target get a feel for the situation**

That was an example of an AA that is Failed, and RP'd well. That is the key here, good RP. When the AA log is turned in, if it is not RPd well, the AA will be ruled invalid, and the victim will not need a rezz. If the Assassin does not RP the AA well, it will be noted. If we receive three (3) logs of the same Assassin's AA's that are not RP'd well, then he/she will lose his/her Assassins license in the forum. This forum is about Role playing, not Roll playing. Now, if the assassin fails the AA, he/she has to RP it out to leave the room. None of this: ::flees:: . If the Assassin does not kill the target, the target can attack back, but there must be one line of the Assassin moving or speaking before he can attack. The Assassin can flee at any time during an AA unless RP'd he is trapped by the TARGET i.e, the targe passes perception and yells "Assassin" and points to him, then others in the room can close, and lock the door, etc, etc, etc. But, unless the Target passes perception, i.e, rolls 15 or higher on his dice {need two points} then NOONE can interfere in an AA ever. This is because unless the Target passes perception NOONE in the room except the Assassin know there is an assassination in progress. This is the only warning there shall be. IF YOU INTERFERE IN AN AA YOU WILL LOSE HALF YOUR FORUM EXP'S, SECOND OFFENSE, YOU WILL LOSE ALL OF THEM. IT IS NOT FAIR TO AN ASSASSIN WHO HAS PUT IN A LOT OF HARD WORK TO GET TO HIS VICTIM TO HAVE YOU CROSS RP IC AND OOC. YOUR MUNS MAY KNOW, BUT THE CHARACTERS DO NOT. The Assassin needs 3 logs, 15 lines each of the Target in a room talking or speaking, and they cannot be 3 logs in the same room, they must be 3 different rooms to show that the Assassin was tracking the Target and the logs must have the Assassin in them and be logged by the Assassin. FAKED LOGS WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF ASSASSINS LICENSE AND/OR EXPULSION FROM THE FORUM. If you are the victim of an AA, and you ignore it, don't RP it, or do not roll perception within two minutes, etc, then you are auto-dead, the Assassin rolls his personal dice for exp's and sends in the log. BUT you will lose 1 rezz if you ignore an AA. So, if you are an AA Target , just RP it out. Target has 48 mun hours to get rezz if AA is successful

Exp's for AAs: 50x #'s the Assassin does on Target.

If The Target passes the perception check and decided to Dodge. They wait until the Assassin makes his Attack Statement and rolls his dice, Then the target states his Dodge intent and rolls his guild dice {2d} if the Targets dice roll is 2 sides higher i.e. the Assassin rolled 50 45 and the Target rolls 37 52 he rolled 2 sides higher so the Dodge is Successful. If the Dodge is Successful the Target recieves no Damage and may choose as before to Fight or Flee. If they Fight it becomes a AADM. If the Dodge fails the Target recieve the full damage from the Assassins dice roll. If not enough damage is done to kill the Target then the Target may choose to Fight or Flee, If they Choose to Fight it is an AADM.


If the Assassin fails to kill the target i.e. does not hit enough damage to kill the Target The Target then has the choice to fight or flee.

If Target choose to fight it is a AADM to 50 using guild dice with the Assassin hitting first. Any Damage from the AA is carried over to the AADM. The Assassin may choose to flee each time his turn comes up, the target may not. To flee, the assassin must roll a 2d20 and succeed with two points. BE WARNED: if the assassin fails in his attempt to flee During the AADM HIS TURN IS OVER and is open to attack. Both the Assassin and or the Target may choose to flee each time their turn comes up. If the target flees they are Ruled dead.
If Assassin flees the AADM the AA failed and they may not try to AA that Target again for 24 mun hours.

AADM Exp winner gets 40x point spread

The Assassin must send in a contract and have it approved before he/she may assassinate a target. He/she will also need a registration number. If an Assassin does an AA without a reg# in his/her profile, and an approved contract#, he/she will be executed. No warning, no argument, he/she will be killed an be dead in the forum.

After the AA, the Assassin must send a copy of the log with the contract # to the victim, and the Minister of Assassins. AA's can be done in A&E Member rooms only, and private rooms. No Assassin can do an AA by IM.

For an Assassin to kill a target, he must roll over a set number. This number depends on the Target's dice. Now we all know it's harder to assassinate a Vampire than it is an Elf, so a vampire takes more HP's to kill.

1d20-1d29(2) 1d30-1d39(3) 1d40-1d49(4)
1d50-1d59(6) 1d60-1d69(7) 1d70-1d79(8)
1d80-1d89(9) 1d90-1d99(10) 1d100(12)

2d20-2d29(7) 2d30-2d39(8) 2d40-2d49(9)
2d50-2d59(10) 2d60-2d69(11) 2d70-2d79(12)
2d80-2d89(13) 2d90-2d99(14) 2d100(15)

3d20-3d29(8) 3d30-3d39(9) 3d40-3d49(11)
3d50-3d59(12) 3d60-3d69(13) 3d70-3d79(15)
3d80-3d89(16) 3d90-3d99(18) 3d100(19)

4d20-4d29(10) 4d30-4d39(12) 4d40-4d49(14)
4d50-4d59(16) 4d60-4d69(18) 4d70-4d79(20)
4d80-4d89(22) 4d90-4d99(24) 4d100(27)

5d20-5d29(13) 5d30-5d39(15) 5d40-5d49(17)
5d50-5d59(19) 5d60-5d69(22) 5d70-5d79(25)
5d80-5d89(28) 5d90-5d99(33) 5d100(36)

Mock War AA's
Mock War AA's need a Valid MW Contract Assassin's need one 10 line log both the Assassin and the target have to be in the log and the log needs to be Logged by the Assassin. this has to be C&Ped onto a AA Contract and sent in to either the MoA or his Assistants. The MW AA Statement needs all of the Parts of a Normal AA but also to state that it is a Mock War AA

There are No perception items allowed to be used in CR AA's KA's or TA's

Bodyguards and AA's

For a bodyguard to intercept, he must merely roll perception for the intended target. So, if Joe3 was going to BG Target3, he'd merely roll 2d20's instead of Target3. Then, if he hits, he has the same choices as the Target, but if he misses the Assassin may just have to kill the intended target as planned.

Mass AA's

A mass AA is where 2 Assassins work together to AA someone. This is ONLY done on Supernaturals. You may never Mass AA a Mortal. (if you need to AA a 2d90+ and you only need 14 hits, you should be able to pull it off by yourself. if you can't then you shouldn't be an Assassin). If the target sees either Assassin, he may fight, dodge or flee THAT Assassin. But, if he chooses to FIGHT, the other Assassin may take his shot at the target FIRST, before the Target has the chance to FIGHT, DODGE, FLEE...So, if Dudeman3 & AssassinX Mass AA'd Target012 and AssassinX was spotted but Dudeman3 was not, then Dudeman3 may then take his shot at Target012. But if both are spotted, Target-12 may fight, dodge or flee. If he fights, he fights both Assassins and all will use their personal dice. If he dodges, he may "Dodge", but only if he passed perception. If he flees, after perception is passed on both Assassins, he cannot return to that room for 24 mun hours.

It is acceptable for 3 Assassins to MAA a 5d supernatural, but there are stipulations. All of the Assassins must have dice 2d70 or lower, but the target must be of higher dice than the Assassins. So, i.e., a 5d71+ supernatural can be AA'd by the 3 2d70 or below Assassins.

Exp's received for MAA's: 75x # of total hits done by Assassins/ # of Assassins


Assassins may use 1 Enhancer when AAing any Targets of a AA or a MAA may use 1 Enhancer of their choice..
A +3DDC will count as one Enhancer if they choose it.. Stealth and Perception Enhancers always cancel each other out if both the Target and Assassin have them so we have removed both Stealth and perception for then forum.a 2d20 roll is all that is used it give the Assassin and the Target both a 50% chance which is even and fair.

AA Contracts
Anyone may hire a registered Assassin. then the signed contract must be sent back to the Assassin to send into the Minister of Assassins.

Contracts that are of frivolous nature will be refused. Examples are: being knocked out of a MS, people calling them names, etc...we shall not have people killed needlessly.
Death threats or harrasement is a reason for a AA. The MoA or his Assistants will Approve Contract on a case by case system.. But a log of the threat or harrassment will need to be C&Ped onto the contract along with the 3 15 line logs of the assassin tracking the target

Proctors cannot be AA'd or MAA'd while they are actively proctoring. Workers cannot be AA'd while they are working. Now, this is not to say you can use either situation as an excuse to avoid an AA. If we get a log of someone using those excuses, well, you will need a rezz...

KAs may only be carried out by CR Registrared Assassins. CR Assassins, must have a valid contract from the Minister of Assassins to carry out a KA. Please refer to the charter to find the appropriate KA application.

Kidnapping Attempts (KAs)

Only registrared/certified Assassins can KA. Assassins are the only ones that can be hired/perform KAs. A KA contract must first be taken out and approved by the MoA before any KA can be executed. Their are no perception items for KAs.

Contracts must include 3 memory orbs (logs) that meet the following criteria:
(3) 15 line logs that depict the target moving/speaking for 15 lines (must be 3 different logs of 3 different days). Logs must depict the Assassin moving/speaking for 10 lines. All logs must logged by the Assassin. Mun bubbles (( )), AFK, BRB, or BBL do not count as character speaking or moving.

The same person cannot be targetted twice within a 24 hour mun period. Assassins must wait 24 mun hours to KA the same target. The same person cannot be KAed again if they have been successfully kidnapped within two months. This means that if XAssassin kidnapped Jim, Jim cannot be kidnapped again for another two months. Trades people, shopkeepers, and proctors on active duty cannot be KAed. They can only be targetted after their shifts or duties are over. KAs can only take place in Member Rooms and not in PRs, RDIs, or Conference Rooms.

KAs work like normal AAs, the difference being that in a KA an Assassin is trying to subdue their target, NOT trying to kill. If an Assassin has a successful KA, they CANNOT KILL their target under no conditions. KAs DO NOT become ADMs, DMs, SMs, FCs/SAs under NO CONDITIONS. Any violation of this, will result in an Assassin having their license suspended. A target that has been killed will be granted automatic rezz (no priest needed).

KAs are only allowed for political and ransom reasons. Political reasons include: trying to stop a key person from voting/making a decision/or stopping a war. Ransom is for gps. KAs for the purpose of enslaving or due to a lover's quarrel or related situations ARE NOT ALLOWED.

Captives (targets) have a right to request a RM every 24 mun hours or negotiate their release with their Kidnapper (Assassin). Negotiation does not include sexual acts and rape. Any type of negotiation must be logged and sent to the MoA. If someone else knows who KAed the target, they may interfer and negotiate for captive's release. If a RM has been requested, the Kidnapper cannot refuse. If they refuse, the KA becomes invalid and captive goes free. RMs are for those who have been subdue and offer no fight to escape.

Assassins may work in teams to subdue a target. The limit on MKAs is two assassins.

The longest time any one can be held captive is 72 mun hours (3 days). If after 3 days, the Assassin has not had any contact with their employer, the captive goes free. There are no ifs or buts on this stipulation. If no action has been taken within the time frame of 3 days, the captive is released.

The only way the captive knows who hired the Assassin to KA them, is if the Assassin reveals their employer's name.

KA Play: [ This Must Be Logged. No Log No KA!].

1) Assassin (Kidnapper) announces OCC in room or by IM that target has 5 mun minutes to roll perception (3 points are needed to pass perception).

2) Target rolls perception. If target fails perception, they do not know what is going on and do not see the Assassin. If this is a MKA, target must roll perception for both Assassins.

3) If target passes perception, they know something is amiss. Assassin now tries to subdue the target just like a normal AA. See hit chart at end to determine points needed to subdue a target. This is if target decides not to fight and tries to flee.

4) If target decides to fight, Assassin and Target fight a Sequestor Match (SeM) to 12 rounds. If target loses, they become a captive. At this point the KA is fully successful. It DOES NOT become a DM. Combatents use their forum dice to SeM. If target wins the SeM, they go free. The SeM winner gets 28 x difference (eg, final score of 25-15=10x28=280exps).

5) If the target has a Body Guard, the BG can roll perception for the target. Again if this is a MKA, perception must be rolled for both.

6) If perception passes, the BG can fight for their ward (target). While BG and Assassin are engaged, the target can flee (no roll needed in this case).

KA Subdue Hit Table

1d20-1d29 (6) 2d20-2d29 (7) 3d20-3d29 (8) 4d20-4d29 (10) 5d20-5d29 (13)
1d30-1d39 (7) 2d30-2d39 (8) 3d30-3d39 (9) 4d30-4d39 (12) 5d30-3d39 (15)
1d40-1d49 (8) 2d40-2d49 (9) 3d40-3d49 (11) 4d40-4d49 (14) 5d40-5d49 (17)
1d50-1d59 (9) 2d50-2d59 (10) 3d50-3d59 (12) 4d50-4d59 (16) 5d50-5d59 (19)
1d60-1d69 (10) 2d60-2d69 (11) 3d60-3d69 (13) 4d60-4d69 (18) 5d60-5d69 (22)
1d70-1d79 (11) 2d70-2d79 (12) 3d70-3d79 (15) 4d70-4d79 (20) 5d70-5d79 (25)
1d80-1d89 (12) 2d80-2d89 (13) 3d80-3d89 (16) 4d80-4d89 (22) 5d80-5d89 (28)
1d90-1d99 (13) 2d90-2d99 (14) 3d90-3d99 (18) 4d90-4d99 (24) 5d90-5d99 (33)
1d100 (14) 2d100 (15) 3d100 (19)
4d100 (27) 5d100 (36)


For questions or comments regarding Assassins, contact QuikMoon

