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Crystal Realms- Forum Departments and Ministerial Positions

The various Ministerial offices are in charge of the departments stated. All concerns/inquiries pertaining to certain areas should be directed to the Minister of said department.

Forum High Chancellor {HC} and Executive High Chancellor {EHC}
Both the HC and EHC are equal in power and status. They are responsible for overseeing that things run smoothly in the forum; delegating/distribution of power, responsibilities, and duties. Part of their responsibilities include reviewing any new Forum legislation up for consideration. All clan/guild/house/organization monthly rosters should be turned in to the HC. All clan/guild/house organization applications are handled by the HC and EHC. The HC oversees bimonthly to forum organizations and monthly forum payments to forum officials. The EHC handles the payment of exps and gps for stolen rosters.

For any concerns related to the overall Forum, contact VxSiannaxV, HC & ________, EHC

Minister of Clandestine Arts.~
Responsible for maintaining a current record of all Forum Assassins; registration of Assassins, licensing Assassins, approving assassination contracts, training new Assassins, and validating AA logs. The MoA is also responsible for sanctioning kidnappings and validating all KA logs.

For concerns related to Assassinations, Kidnappings, and Spies, contact: ______

Minister of Compliance~
(Forum Warden) Responsible for handling matters of compliance with Forum charter, laws, and policies. They are also responsible for law enforcement and executions.

For concerns relating to Law Enforcement, contact: Drakie ll

Minister of Religion ~
Responsible for overseeing rezzes, soul transfers, devamping exorcisms (casting out daemons/demons/spirits out of possessed individuals), removing curses/hexes, training new clergy/priests/priestesses, and performing all religious ceremonies.

For any concerns relating to the Clergy, contact: GIDDgnKnt .

Ministerial Coroner ~
Responsible for maintaining records of all deceased forum members, overseeing the status of those who have been AA'd, and validating all DM logs.

For concerns related to DM's and AA status, contact: ________

Minister of Healers ~ Responsible for overseeing the training of new healers/physicians, handling malpractice issues, maintaining a record of all forum Hexp's and healer dice.

For any concerns related to the healing art, contact: Peaceful75 .

Minister of Finance and Trade~ Responsible for maintaining Forum Treasury records, handing out GP and EXP allotments,Trade, and processing business applications.

For any concerns relaing to Finance and Trade, contact: X Cyrus Cross X .

Minister of Freelancers ~
Responsible for maintaining all Freelancer records, advocating for Freelancers and providing a voice to the concern of the Freelancers.

For any concerns relating to Freelancers, contact: Dhelani Kya .

Minister of Internal Affairs ~
Responsible for overseeing the daily Forum operations as they relate to the charter; investigating instances of suspected foul play, treason, and illegal activities (not adhering to the Forum Charter/Laws/Policies); they bring suspected individuals to the attention of the MoCo.

For suspected Forum violations, contact: Cain Medri

Minister of Magery ~
Responsible for overseeing the issues as they pertain to magic/sorcery, training any neoneates in the various schools of magic/sorcery, assuring that magics are not used in an illegal manner (Love spells without MUN consent for example). All forum mages/sorcerers/warlocks/witches/etc. must register with the MoM. The license issue is only for school/discipline/type of magic practitioner you are. Also makes sure that all runes are licensed and bonded.

For any concerns relating to magery, contact: Janus Veil .

Minister of Slavery ~
Responsible for overseeing and maintaining records as they pertain to slavery; ensures that collarings are legal/valid, handles all SM logs, ensures that all SM terms are honored, handles the selling, trading, loaning and purchasing of slaves.

For any concerns regarding Slavery, contact: DiarDeNoir .

Minister of Registration ~
(Dice Master) Responsible for maintaining a record of all 90+ dicers and responsible for conducting audits of dice and exp's of suspected illegal dice.

For any concerns relating to high-status dice, contact: DethsHymn .

Minister of War ~
Responsible for the coordination, planning, and execution of all Mock Wars and Real Wars. MoW must be contacted before any Mock Wars and Real Wars can be executed by any clan/guild/house/organization.

For any war related concerns, contact: SKS Sturm Majere .

The Minister for Elder Affairs
Responsible for the overseeing of those with Elder status. Other responsibilities are as follows:

1) Review of all Elder Applications;
2) Interviewing all potential applicants;
3) Proper Assignment of Elder Status to qualifiying applicants;
4) Maintaining records of all Elders in the CR;
5)Investigating cases of abuse in relation to Elders.

For any information regarding Elders or related concerns, please contact: Antakara, Minister for Elder Affaris, MoEA.

CR Commanders & Ministers

VxSiannaxV, HC
DireTimes, EHC
Qryket, MoCA
CwnAawnn, MC
GIDDgnKnt, MoR
Peaceful75, MoH
QBall2058, MoFr
Janus Veil, MoM
DethsHymn, MoRe
Antakara, MoEA
Drakie IlI, MoCo
DiarDeNoir, MoS
SKS Sturm Majere, MoW
Cain Medri, MoIA
