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Crystal Realms-Applications and Forms

CR Forum Application for Houses/Clans

***In order to join CR a House/Clan must have a total membership of 10 or more members. This total does not include slaves. It only includes free men, women, and or creatures. *** b>

1> Name of House/Clan:

2> House/Clan Acronym:

3>House/Clan Grand Commander(GC):

4>House/Clan Second in Command(SiC):

5>Who referred you to the forum? Please provide their name so that we may award them exp's and gp's:

6>How long has your House/Clan been in existence?

7>Please provide a complete House/Clan roster. Roster must indicate assassins and spies. (*Upon acceptance into the forum, Assassins and Spies must be registered with the Minister of Assassins ). OOC: Even if your group is Free Form (no dice), any one wishing to be assassin must be trained and hold a license.

8>What is your House/Clan's purpose?
Please check one of the following:
[ ] Combatant [ ]Non-Combatant [ ]Mercernary

[ ] Service/Trade(*explain type:______)

[ ] Slaver House (*indicate if Rhydinian or Gorean:________________)

[ ] Other (*explain:__________________)

9>What is your House/Clan 's alignment?
Please check one of the following:

[ ] Dark [ ]Light [ ] Evil [ ] Chaotic Evil

[ ] Good [ ] Chaotic Neutral [ ] Other (*explain:__________________)

10> Please indicate what status you are seeking within the forum, by checking one of the following:

[ ] Joining Forum& Transferring. (*provide name of forum you are leaving:_____________________)

[ ] Seeking to Join Forum & not Transferring out of Current Forum.(*provide all current forums your House/Clan is a part of:_______________________________)

[ ] Have never been in a Forum & This will be the first time joining one.

[ ] Free Form House/Clan (*you will not be awarded exps, only gps).

[ ] Mixed House with Free From players and dicers (* you will only be awarded exps for the dicer players and everyone will be awarded gps)

*** If you are transferring from another forum, your House/Clan can only transfer 10,000 exp's/gp's for each member. If you are a new House/Clan to the forum, members will be started at entrance level exp's/gp's ***

11>Is there anyting you would like us to take into consideration or something else you think would help in us considering your application?





Loyalty Oath:
I (GC), _____________________and my House/Clan , including its members, _________ on this date ________, swear that all information on this document is legit. Upon acceptance, we accept to uphold and follow the laws of the forum, its leadership and charter.

*** Upon completion of this application, please submit to both VxSiannaxV and DireTimes. ***

Contract Form for Assassinations
1> Assassin SN:

2> Type of AA: [ ] Normal AA [ ]Mass AA

3>If MAA, list names, dice, licenses of Assassins that will be involved in MAA:

4>Assassin Dice:

5>Target SN:

6>Target Dice:

7>Number of Hit Points needed to take target out:

8>Employer(s) (person who hired Assassin):

9>Payment agreed upon (gp total):

10>Reason for AA:

11>Include Memory Orbs(logs)that must meet the following criteria:
3 ten-line logs that must have the target in them, moving or speaking for ten lines. These must be three different logs in three different rooms on three separate occasions, and must have the Assassin moving and speaking in each log, and must be logged by the Assassin.

***Send filled-out contract app to employer, then have employer forward signed application to the MoA. ***

12>Return completed Assassination Contract to the Minister of Assassins(MoA), QuikMoon

Application for Places of Business
(shops, stores, brothels, slaver blocks, etc.) All places of business must be registered with the forum's Minister of Trade. Forum places of business cost a flat fee of 5,000gps. Individuals may come together to purchase a place of business. This is another way that a clan/guild/house/organization/freelancer may earn gps. All official(registered) forum places of business must carry the forum's acronym in their name.
1> Place of Business Owner (SN):

2> Type of Business:

3> Name of Business Place:

4> Location (Link):

5> Description of Good sold or services provided:

6> Clan/Guild/House/Organization that you represent. If you are freelance, indicate:____________________.

7> Who will be making the items, goods, or providing services in your place of business?

8> Any other information that we should know about your place of business.

9> Return Completed Application to the Minister of Trade and Minister of Finance

Application for Kidnapping Attempts
1> Assassin SN:

2> Type of KA: [ ] Normal KA [ ] Mass KA

3> If MKA, list names, dice licenses of Assassins that will be involved in MKA:

4> Assassin Dice:

5> Target SN:

6> Target Dice:

7> Number of Hit Points needed to capture/kidnap Target:

8> Employer(s) (person or people who hired Assassins):

9> Payment Agreed Upon (gp total):

10> Reason for KA:

11> Include Memory Orbs (logs) that must meet the following criteria:
3 15-line logs that must depict the target moving or speaking for 15 lines. Must be 3 different logs of three different rooms and from three different days. Logs must depict the Assassin moving or speaking in each log, and must be logged by the Assassin.

12> Return completed Kidnapping Attempt Contract to the Minister of Assassins(MoA), QuikMoon

Application for Freelancers
1> Screen Name (in lowercase)

2> Name:

3> How long has your character been in existence (or online):

4> Talents and Abilities (Please do not put "see profile",provide your character's purpose and brief biography):

5> Role in Society/Class (what will your character do in the forum?):

6> Are you a supernatural creature, half-breed, mortal, or a child/small fae, etc.?

7> Provide short explanation as to why you are interested in joining the forum:

8> Provide (at least) two references:

9> Who recruited you into our forum (so that we may award them exp's/gp's)?

10> What other clans/guilds/houses/organization/forums are you currently a part of, and list dice and exp's for each:

11> If you are transferring from another forum as a freelancer to this one, please state number of exp's, gp's, enhancers and dice you are transferring:

12> Please return completed application to the Minister of Freelancers, QBall2058.

*** If you are indicating that you wish to be an Assassin, or are transferring as an Assassin, you must register with the Minister of Assassins(MoA). If you are entering as a Mage, you must register with the Minister of Magery(MoM). All enhancers must be registered with the Minister of Trade (MoT). The limit that anyone may transfer from any forum is 10,000 Exp's, and 10,000 Gp's ***

Application to become a Registered Assassin
1> What is your name?

2> What is your screen name (lowercase please, no spaces)?

3> What is your alignment?

4> Why do you wish to be an Assassin in the Crystal Realms?

5> Are you transferring from another forum?
5a> If so, please list the forum:
5b> Do you have any dice/exp's to transfer?
(10,000 each is the limit for exp/gp transfer)

6> Are you a trained Assassin? If so, attatch a log of one of your AA's to the bottom of this application (a mock war AA is valid as well):

7> Have you read the CR Charter and do you understand the rules for being an Assassin in the Crystal Realms, and are you willing to abide by these rules?

8> There is a training course and test for ALL Assassins who apply for a CR Assassin Reg. #

9> Please send this application to the Minister of Assassins (MoA), QuikMoon

**You will be notified of the decision. If accepted for training and testing, you will receive notification from the MoA**

5d Application (To apply for 5 dice status)
(please answer all questions as fully as possible. Thank you)

-I- The character: This section is to show how clearly you precieve your character and how much history, background you have as this char.
1: Screen name (lower case please)

2: Character Name/Age/Sex:

3: Character Description:

4: Character history:

-II- The mun
This section is to see your maturity, for in addition to an experienced character, player experience/maturity is important. This doesn't mean if you've been rping four years and are 32 and act like a moron you're a shoe in, but it also doesn't mean that if you've been rping for a year and are fifteen that I'll deny you.
You can lie about many things, but mental maturity is difficult. Lying on this part will get your dice dropped.

5: How long have you been RPing Online?

6: How long have you been RPing as this character?

7: Mun's age

-III- Reactions
This is to judge your descriptiveness and ability to elaborate both what your character's doing as well as how he/she sees the world. Please tell honestly how your char would react to the following situations. There are no wrong answers.

8: An argument quickly escalates into a full scale brawl, with one man trying to break a chair over your head while another's simulateously trying to run you through.

9: In a spar, you take a blow that nearly removes your arm. (Note on this; I've caught some flak for saying that this can occur in a spar. Oddly enough, most spars that I've seen were rather anything goes matches, so, if you feel like getting technical and whining..)

10: You enter a crowed, smoke filled tavern.

11: Describe something/someone other than yourself.

Good luck.

**Please return completed application to Antakara**

Internal Affairs Complaint Form
1> Who is this Complaint being lodged against? (s/n in lower case letters, no spaces)

2> What is the nature of the complaint?

3> Person or persons involved:

4> Log or logs of the incident or incidents:

**This form will not be seen by anyone other than the MoIA, the HC, and the EHC. The person who the complaint is lodged against will not ever be told who lodged the complaint unless investigation results in a trial.**
Please send this completed form to the MoIA, HC, and EHC.

Confessional Receipt~
Priest's SN:

Priest's Name:

Confessee's SN:

Confessee's Name:


Minister of Religion : GIdrgnKnt

~Healers Application~
1> Screen Name (in lowercase letters):

2> Character Name:

3> Current CR Forum Dice (one must become a member of CR before applying for Healer status, ie, after becoming a Freelancer or joining CR with your Clan or Guild):

4> Please complete the following scenario: :::a stranger, not of CR walks up slowly, holding her side, blood oozing from many cuts. She eyes you desperately:: Please help me, heal me..I am badly hurt..

5> Why do you wish to become a Healer?

6> Please provide your background regarding how often you engage in combat, what types of matches, and why you have fought them:

***Note: If you have no prior experience with healings, basic training can be provided***

**Please return completed Healer's Application to Peaceful75 (MoH)***

CR Priest/ess Application

The CR does not have an over all forum/realm religious orientation or over all religion. All CR citizens are free to practice their own religion for the CR does not endorse any particular faith, creed, religion, or way of being. It does not endorse either good, evil, dark, or light alignments of faith. CR citizens are expected to respect the diversity of creeds, ideals, and ways of being found with in this realm as long as they are not detrimental to the over all good of the realm.

I.Character's Name:

II.Screen Name in lower letters:

III. Are you a: [ ] Freelancer [ ] Member of an Organization(clan/guild/house/etc.etc.)

IV. What are your dice and exps.

VI. Are you an Elder (5d)? [ ] No [ ] Yes

VII.Character Alignment:

[ ] Dark [ ] Light [ ] Evil [ ] Chaotic [ ] Neutral [ ] Other:______________ ((Explain))

VIII. What would you describe your character as:

[ ] Self- Practicing Wiccan [ ] Druid [ ] Paladin

[ ] Knight of Templar [ ] Nun/Sister [ ] Priest

[ ] Priestess [ ] Monk [ ] Shaman

[ ] Other:____________ ((Explain))

IX. Provide a brief history of your character. Not your profile.

X. Explain why you wish to be trained as a member of the forum's religious community.

XI. Explain what you as a role player will contribute to the CR experience.

XII. Explain what you (the character) will provide and bring into the realm.

XIII. Describe a ritual you are about to perform in as much detail as possible.

One final word every potential applicant is expected to review and study the material found in the tome ( Crystal Realms- Religion and Religious Duties ) provided. Potential candidates will be tested and questioned orally on their knowledge of the tome's contents. Notice: being a member of the realm's religious community does not mean that your duties will only be based on performng resurrections (Rezzes).

