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Crystal Realms- Mages and Magic

*Image Copyrighted to: Luis Royo*

I] The Arts of Magic
-Biomantic: The creation and alteration of organic matter ie, Flesh mend (reconstructing a broken body), bone weaponry(altering the body, creating blade of bone).

- Necromantic: Altering a life force, superimposing one's will upon it, i.e. Soul Blade (drawing the spirit into a blade form, like a rune.), Crippletouch (weakening the bond of soul and body)

-Pyromantic: Fire magics, i.e: Inferno (gouts of flame burst from the user), Blazing pillar (a pillar of flames tears from either the user or the floor)

-Cryomantic: Ice magics, i.e: Ice Razors (creating razors of ice), FrostForm/create (pulling molecules of water from the air, freezing them, then giving it shape)

-Hydromantic: Water magics i.e.: Drain (pulls the water from something), Separate (separates water molecules from whatever else, a handy spell for camping, a horrific spell in combat)

-Aeromantic: Air magics, i.e: Air Slash (forming air into a blade, and sending it across and opponent without ever using it), Levitate (raises someone and holds them up)

-Giamantic: Earth magics i.e: Quake (forcing the ground to shudder violently), Buster (a variation of quake used on something other than the ground, including flesh..)

-Climancy: Altering weather patterns i.e: Lighting Strike (using lightning as a weapon) Calm (stopping and/or calming storms).

-Tetramancy: Summoning magics. i.e: Hell lvl6 (summons a demon from the sixth level of hell), Aero lvl3 (summons a level three air elemental.)

-Technomancy: The skill of interacting with machinery on a mental level. i.e: Interface (interacting on machinery/technology on a mental level), Construct/Destruct (forcing the machines to operate, and either create or destroy themselves at the user's will).

-Enchantry: The creation of magical objects. i.e: adding bonuses or magic to a weapon.

-Daemonolatry: The summoning/controlling of demons. i.e: Dust (A cloud of screams and faces, they protect their summonier, won't work with other magics), Ashes (flaming cinders fly about the user, igniting if any touch them)

-Neuromancy: The art of altering the mental structure in humans and animals, such as love spells or mind wipes. i.e: Love (An attempt to excite the emotion of love within another person or oneself), Mind Ripper (an attempt to destory another's mind with pure mental force).

-Chronmancy: Time magics. i.e: Stop (Time stops for all but those he wants to keep outside/protected). Hyper (time falls away from the uder, he blurs through everything while everything slows around him, like a Vampire's Clerity).

-Illusionism: The creation of audible, visible, etc illusions. Visual glammer (simple) This is only visible to one, no other than visual is affected), Nightmare (This pulls a horror from the victim's deepest mind, and releases it upon him. It's visible only to the victim).

-Hemomancy: Something of a hybrid between Hydromancy and Biomancy, this is an art commonly practiced by some forms of demons and some Vampirics. i.e: Bleed (increases the flow of blood from a wound to intense levels, draining the body), Crimson Scythe (taking the liquid blood into a solid form, using it as a weapon)

-Transmutation: The art of altering something's state on a molecular level. i.e: Stoneform (changing flesh to stone), Melt (causing a target to melt)

-Runics: The art of creating/transmuting or using a rune(unbound). i.e: Mass (creating a general rune from shed energy), Reform (altering a soul into a rune).

-Binding: The art of binding a soul or rune, this doesn't have many specific spells, but those that are, are powerful. i.e: Runic Bond (binds a rune to an object), Ground (locks a soul to an element, destroying it's power). Binding and runics used together can create Rune Weaponry, etc(see below)

-Alchemy*: The art of potions, chemicals to create magical effects. This echos another form of magic, nearly any, in its use. No 'true' magic can be used with this. i.e: Flame Potions (These could either allow flaming breath, form, or just resistance depending of construction (and if the maker screws up :P)

-Occultic Machanism*: The creation/use of an item, that when used, echo or enhance magical effects of other kinds. No 'true' magic is used with this. i.e: The Deathgate (a portal to hell), The Taeble (a massive energy collection/refraction device that allowed the concentration of the power of millions of living beings)

((Important note: using certain types of spells, such as any neuromancy or illusion in such a way that the character/mun might object, you MUST get LOGGED MUN CONSENT and send it to the MoM, or you will lose your right to wield magic and face possible expulsion)

II> Table 1: Magic Skill Levels~ This chart is to let you know how many different arts can (doesn't mean they have to have them all, just that they can) be known by race (die amount) and level of power..If the character is a straight mage (nothing else), then it's another art by level.

min. dice | 1d | 2/3d | 4/5d
Lvl1 d20 | 0 | 1 | 2
Lvl2 d45 | 1 | 2 | 3
Lvl3 d65 | 2 | 3 | 4
Lvl4 d80 | 3 | 4 | 5
Lvl5 d90 | 4 | 5 | 6
Lvl6 d95 | 5 | 6 | 7
Lvl7 d100 | 6 | 7 | 8

III> Runics and Binding~ Runes are creatinons of magic and soul, Binding forces a soul into a different state. Set together, Runic Weaponry can be created, this isn't the sort of thing ou'd by at the shop with a +1 sword, a rune was alive at some point, and it's recreation as a rune is a form of living death. It can still think and such automonously, but if bound to someone, it's life it their's, and the only body it has is either a weapon, antromorphic goo, or somesuch.

In Runic creation or binding, resistance rolls are given to the victim, both binder/runist and target roll their dice as a 1d (even for a 5d creature, this is true). If the artist wins, the victim is converted into a living magic. If the target wins, it will usually go into a DM (unless a binding match has already been held)

Most runes, if capable, can move to a degree by themselves, as well as augmenting the powers of those they're joined to.

Joining to a rune requires a second binding (if the rune resists). Failure frees the rune from serving as that one, as well as knocking them out, (ten minutes per roll over, if exceeding thirty, the binder goes into a coma, over fifty, rezzable death)

When becoming a rune, the number of sides remains the same, but goes to 1d. Runes are essentially immortal, and can be autonomous if unbound (cannot fight DM's or be AA'd, nor can they do the same, they're objects).

A character can be bonded a number of runes equal to their number of dice divided, 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5=3. A rune cannot be bound to other's runes. A free rune can be SM'd (only if they are an actual free-willed character, the log for this would go to the MoM instead of the MoS.)

For questions or comments regarding Magic, contact Antakara

