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Crystal Realms- Finance & Trade

*Image Copyrighted to: Keith Parkinson*

The Minister of Finances and Trade(MoFT)

The duties of the MoFT include Monthly Payroll of all CR Employees as well as Monthly Payroll of all Clans/Guilds/Houses/Organizations, and Freelancers. Also, the MoF will be keeping track of stolen rosters, and administer the appropriate payment for them. Any questions or concerns regarding payroll, stolen rosters, business/stores or armour and weapons should be forwarded to the MoFT.

Stores and Businesses~

To start and run a business in the CR, you will need to fill out a business application and send it into the Minister of Trade (MoT). After that application has been reviewed and you are accepted, you may open your place of business. A weekly report sheet will need to be sent to the MoT each week so that we can keep track of GP's and weapons in the CR forum. Your business or store must have CR in its name.

Armour and Magical Weapons~

Magical armour and weapons could only be created at a rate of 1+ per 20 dice of the registered creator (example: a 2,3,4,5d80 registered weapons smith could create either 1 +3 weapon a week, 2 +2 weapons a week, or 4 +1 weapons a week).

The weekly form must list who created it, what it does, and who it was sold to. The prices will be up to the shop owners, but remember if the prices are to steep, people will go somewhere else.

Anyone who wants to register a weapon or armour in the CR from another forum must show proof of income for the GP and a receipt from the person or shop that the weapon or armour came from.

You are requred to keep all records (logs) for your own good in case of an audit, which we nae do very often, but it does happen.

Gold Allotments~
Every month on or about the 3rd, each Guild/Clan will be given a gold allotment for the Guild/Clan to be used as the GC sees fit...This does not mean the GC can give it to himself or to anyone for personal reasons as a loan or gift..However, the Guild Commander can ask the HC for permission to grant a loan and if the situation merits it, then the loan shall be granted from the Guild's/Clan's GP pool.

Exp's & GP Allotment~
Forum Clan/Guild/House or Organization Paychecks: At the end of each month all forum clans/guilds/houses/organizations excluding freelancers are required to send a completed roster to the forum High Chancellor (HC) for review. Rosters must indicate new recruits, who are no longer members, slaves, dice, exp's and gp's. Exp's and GP's will not be awarded for slaves. Only free individuals (not collared) can earn exp's and gp's. Those who fail to indicate who are slaves on their rosters will be fined 50 exp's and 50 gp's per member on their roster, including slaves.

***All Guild Rosters are due on the 15th and last day of each month to the HC, VxSiannaxV. Allotments will be 75exps and 75gps per member.***

Stolen rosters should be sent to the EHC, DireTimes. Bimonthly payments of exps and gps to all forum organizations (clans/guilds/etc. etc.) and of forum officials are the responsiblitiy of the HC, VxSiannaxV.

Only 10,000 Exp's will transfer from another forum to CR. After that, you may send in logs to the appropriate person to get exp's.

Assassins still get the exp's as for a DM if they win, but get paid mostly in Gold by whoever hired them.

Priests/Priestesses and Healers still get exp's for Marriages and the like, but may also charge is they are so inclined.

Exp's are only transferrable from on SN to another under these circumstances:

1> cyber-stalking and you do a SN transfer to get away from the cyber-stalker (we will need logs to verify harrasment) 2> If you lose AOL account for whatever reason. 2a>In both cases full exp's will transfer, profivded, you let the HC know and they give permission (some cases may be special andthe HC will work with you).

10,000 exp's can be given to a sn in a legal Will sent to the Coroner of CR, the coroner will send out the will to all the people in the will, granting the exp's and weapon, armour, once the MoC has validated the Will.

For questions or comments concerning finance and trade, contact XvTeepovX

