*Image Copyrighted to: Ruth Thompson*
All war events are permanent. Death Matches, Assassinations and POWs are held at the mercy of their captors/opponents. Basically, war is hell and we want to keep it as realistic as possible. The only exceptions are Mock Wars, which are detailed below.
((This means that if your s/n is killed, they need a rezz, and that rezz needs to be taken from the total rezzes listed in your profile))
To declare War, the GC and SiC of a Clan/Guild/House/Organization must submit in writing to the Minister of War (MoW) and the High Chancellor (HC) & Executive Chancellor (EHC) a Declaration of War which will include the following:
>The full name and acronym of their Clan/Guild
>The full name and acronym of the Clan/Guild they want to go to war with
>The reasons for the War Declaration
>Their most recent roster (with Assassins and Spies)
>A roster of their members who will participate in the war
>A current total of the Clan/Guild pool of Exp's and Gp's for the Forum.
Rules of War~
Once the MoW sends both Clans/Guilds the okay, they may start the War, but as always, there are some rules.
1> Anyone not on the initial War roster submitted is not allowed to be involved with the War in any way except for Forum Healers.
2> All War matches will need a single witness from both Clans/Guilds/Houses/Organizations participating in the War. They need to have the opponents names, witness's names, which fighter they witness for, the fighters Guild/Clan dice, and terms for the fight, (i.e. how many points they fight to), all on the Match log. The exception to this is Assassination Attempts, as they rely on Stealth, but they do need to be logged and have an approved war contract.
3> All matches (DM,POW,RM,or AA) must be logged and sent to the MoW, HC & EHC. They will review all logs and have the final say in any disputes.
4> No Guld or Clan can hire outside help of have their allies step in (subject to later review, perhaps an addition to the declaration of War state allies participating in the war).
5> All normal RM,DM,POW rules will apply to War, also include the Clan/Guild/House/Organization names participating in the War in the logs. AA contracts for the purpose of the war will need only 1 10-line log, but it must have the target in it, and the assassin, and be logged by the assassin, just as the normal AA logs are. Wartime AA statements must include all the normal Forum requirements, but they also need the Clan's/Guild's/House's/Organization's names participating in the war.
6> After 48 hours a RM may be fought by a POW with any member of the opposing Guild or Clan in the war, provided they are on the war roster, and not a Ghost or POW.
7> There is only 1 rezz granted per individual, per War, and that rezz counts against your total of 4 rezzes. If a person is killed 2 times in the War, they are out of the War until the War is over, and may not participate in any way.
8> Each week the War goes on, the Clan/Guild/House/Organization Commander needs to send in an updated War roster in to the MoW. This roster needs to have all of the member's current status (ie, Ghost, POW, and who has been killed in War). No new members can be added to the updates. So whoever is on the initial War roster shall be the only ones to participate until the War is over.
9> If a person wants to surrender during a match, they may call Halt to the match, and state to their opponent that they wish to surrender. Surrenders do not have to be accepted, but if they are, they person needs to state terms for their individual surrender (ie, will be POW for 72 hours) Their opponents do not have to accept the surrender and may say no and continue the match if they choose to do so.
10> Ghosts and POWs will state in their profile their war status. Ghosts are those warriors who have fallen on the field of battle (lost a DM and used their 1 War rezz). They can no longer participate in the War in any way until its conclusion. POWs have lost a POW match which is described below.
11) If a Clan/Guld/House/Organization wants to surrender to their opponent, the CC or GC and the SiC must send a Treaty Missive to the other Clan/Guild/House/Organization's CC or GC, and SiC as well as the MoW and the HC&EHC. At that time a meeting of the CC/GC and SiC's will be called to be mediated by the MoW or the HC or EHC, and a Peace Treaty signed. The winning Clan/Guild/House/Organization will get 1/2 of the losing Clan/Guild/House/Organization's Exp and GP pools.
12> Any complaints of breaking the rules will need a log to verify the allegation. Send the log to the MoW, HC, and EHC.
13> If it is proven that one of the Clan/Guild/House or Organizations or one of their members have broken any of the above rules, the MoW, HC, and EHC will decide a winner and take measures to punish the offending Clan/Guild/House/Organization or member.
Mock Wars~
Many times Clan and Guilds choose to hold Mock Wars with another group to give their members experience in war, or just for entertainment. Whatever the reason, all of the rules stated above shall apply with the following exceptions:
1> All DM, RM, SM, POW, AA matches become null and void at the end of the Mock War ((meaning that if your s/n died, he/she gets auto rezzed after the war)). All participants will remove information pertaining to such from their profiles after conclusion of the Mock War.
2> Individuals participating in the Mock War receive all exp's and gp's earned in matches, however at the conclusion of the Mock War, the "winning" Clan/Guild/House/Organization shall not receive any of the losing Clan/Guild/House/Organization's Exp's or GP's. The "losing" Clan/Guild/House/Organization loses only a little respect...
For any questions or concerns concerning Wars, Mock Wars, or War-Related topics, contact: Qryket (MoW).