To My Love
You have been here for me so many times
You have held my hand, felt my hurt
You were my strength when I was weak
When I wanted to give up, you kept me going
When I failed at something I did
You would point out the times I came out ahead
If I found things to complain about
You pointed out to me things I should be grateful for
When I would cry, you would be there to dry my tears
When I was depressed, you would hold me close
Remember how I would scream and carry on...
Tell you to get out of my life, I couldn't stand it anymore?
And you, sweet you, understood my feelings better than I
You knew deep down I didn't mean the things I would say in anger
You understood that I was just discouraged with the way things were going
You have shown me a love others could only hope to attain.
And now, my sweet love, you are the one hurting...in pain
My heart aches just thinking about it
Beaten down by your own family because you needed love
All you ever wanted was to be loved.. held... needed...
To know you were important as a person
I wish I could hold you in my arms
Do for you what you have always done for me
In my arms you would feel the love a man like you deserves
And I want you to know, this love will last forever.
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