Perfect Love

I'm trying very hard to think
What the perfect love would be
My mind keeps drawing up a blank
These thoughts eluding me.

Would it be two lonely souls
Who's interests are the same
And there's never any arguments
Cause there's nothing done to blame.

Would it be that special one
Could tell by just one look
What it is you're thinking of
Can read you like a book?

Know all times what's in your heart
Know your mind inside and out
Be sensitive to your feelings
With never room for doubt?

Understanding that at times
You need to be alone
Although you try to fight it
At times your heart's like stone.

Understand your moods swings
Not to take them personally
Know when it is time for love
When you need time to be free.

To try and find the perfect love
Would be a lifetime chore
A less than perfect love could be
Just what you're looking for.
To Paul...with love....

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