Walk in the Rain
Raindrops pounding furiously on the dark window ledge
Thunder matching the roaring madness in my brain
Lightning flashing across the bleak black sky
Wearily I pull my tired beaten body from my sitting place
To look out at the darkness that is beckoning me
I open the door to step out in the torrential downpour
I stand in the middle of the road with arms outstretched
The rain cascades on my upturned face, pounding relentlessly
Plastering my hair and clothes against my body
I feel the iciness that has encased my heart since
you have gone
Sharp, stinging pinpoints of rain slashing at my face
With the same force that your forgotten love has slashed at my soul
I slowly put my arms down as my head hangs in sorrow
Trudging through the rain soaked streets and puddles
My heart is as heavy as my footsteps on the pavement
Try as I might, this rain cannot wash away thoughts of you
If anything it intensifies the sadness within me
I was hoping a walk in the rain would help cleanse my soul
But it wasn't meant to be.

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Email: Debbie