The Trail Mix Club

Dave: Good is He who grows in dirt!
This is the Trail Mix Club picture that appeared in the 1997/98 issue of L'Annuaire, Palmerton High School's yearbook.
Pictured are (from left to right): Dave Roberts, Stentor Danielson, Bobby Young, Adam Hawk, and Matt Hager.

The Trail Mix Club started in the spring of my Freshman year in high school, when a bunch of guys like Dave Roberts and Jason Doll decided that they just couldn't get enough of the trail mix served in the cafeteria's à la carte line. So they pooled their money and ate over 200 cups of it in 2 months. And they saved the cups.

The next year, the Trail Mix Club started up again, and we (for yours truly was now part of the madness) decided that it should continue until the end of senior year, at which time we would build a giant pyramid out of the cups and get our pictures in the yearbook.

Which we did, as you can see above. A conservative estmate puts our total collection at roughly 3,000 cups, plus the bird feeder, which you can see in the foreground.

The contents of Trail Mix: Trail Mix Club roster
Sunflower seeds
Chinese noodle things
Goldfish crackers
Pretzel fish
Butterfly crackers
Chocolate chips
Crushed dusty crap in
the bottom of the cup
Mike Choy
Stentor Danielson
Jason Doll
Ronnie Gouger
Matt Hager
Adam Hawk
Steve Hawk
Jim Hunsicker
Dave Roberts
Josh Westbrook
Bobby Young

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