Why are the pokémon episodes getting so gay? Brock left, the gay guy came in(a boy named tracy???). It sucks! I hope they start making good episodes, and i hope the gay tracy kid gets killed off, along with ash's lapras becuase i hate laprases.

History of the gay stuff
1.It all started
with james dressing as woman on
numerous occasions.
It turned out this was just the beggining...
2.The next step was todd.
he was very annoying and i
think he was gay becuase of his voice.
3.The next gay part was when Brock left.
he was the best character! It made
me mad!
4. The latest gay part
was when tracy showed up.
a boy named tracy? G-A-Y!

Heres a little something submitted by Butterfly246:
"... This is a little something for "The history of gay stuff in Pokémon" section of your site. In the episode where Ash gets his Cascade badge, team Rocket gets beaten. James says, "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight." Now, I dunno 'bout you, but I think James is pretty darn gay. I mean, with the "oooooh-ooaa-oooh" yell thing goin' on, and that he wears womens clothes (like it says in your site.) So, that little remark by him is further proof that he is a fruit..."

"...In the episode where team rocket gives Ash and co. tickets to the St. Anne (isn't it strange that it's St. Anne in the show and S.S. Anne in gameboy?) James is dressed as a girl because they're supposed to be teenage girls. When Jesse and James go behind the bushes, James says, "Don't you think I make like the coooolest girl?" I mean, who actually LIKES having to dress and act like a member of the opposite gender? Totally faggy-daggy. Oh, I just remembered! In the episode, "the song of jigglypuff," Team rocket is walking away at the end and they are all happy because jigglypuff sang for them and they got enough sleep or something, and they are all smiling and complimenting each other. Well, James jumps high into the air and goes, "Tra-la-la-la-laaaaa!" Not that gay, but nobody would normally, er . . . act so flamboyantly in public..."

Thanks for your input, Butterfly246!